initSidebarItems({"constant":[["DEPTH_STENCIL","The resource can serve as a depth/stencil target."],["RENDER_TARGET","The resource can be rendered into."],["SHADER_RESOURCE","The resource can be bound to the shader for reading."],["UNORDERED_ACCESS","The resource can be bound to the shader for writing."]],"enum":[["BufferError","Error creating a buffer."],["BufferRole","Role of the memory buffer. GLES doesn't allow chaning bind points for buffers."],["BufferUpdateError","An error happening on buffer updates."],["CombinedError","An error from creating textures with views at the same time."],["MapAccess","Specifies the access allowed to a buffer mapping."],["ResourceViewError","Error creating either a ShaderResourceView, or UnorderedAccessView."],["TargetViewError","Error creating either a RenderTargetView, or DepthStencilView."],["Usage","A hint as to how this buffer/texture will be used."]],"fn":[["cast_slice","Cast a slice from one POD type to another."]],"struct":[["Bind","Bind flags"],["BufferInfo","An information block that is immutable and associated with each buffer."]],"trait":[["Factory","A `Factory` is responsible for creating and managing resources for the context it was created with. "],["Typed","A service trait used to get the raw data out of strong types. Not meant for public use."]]});