initSidebarItems({"enum":[["BaseType","Base type of this shader parameter."],["CompatibilityError","Error type for trying to store a UniformValue in a ConstVar."],["ContainerType","Number of components this parameter represents."],["CreateShaderError","An error type for creating shaders."],["IsArray","Whether the sampler samples an array texture."],["IsComparison","Whether the sampler compares the depth value upon sampling."],["IsMultiSample","Whether the sampler samples a multisample texture."],["IsRect","Whether the sampler samples a rectangle texture."],["MatrixFormat","Whether the matrix is column or row major."],["ShaderModel","Shader model supported by the device, corresponds to the HLSL shader models."],["Stage","Which program stage this shader represents."],["TextureType","A type of the texture variable. This has to match the actual data we bind to the shader."],["UniformValue","A value that can be uploaded to the device as a uniform."]],"struct":[["AttributeVar","Vertex information that a shader takes as input."],["ConstVar","A constant in the shader - a bit of data that doesn't vary"],["ConstantBufferVar","A constant buffer."],["OutputVar","Target output variable."],["ProgramInfo","Metadata about a program."],["SamplerType","A type of the sampler variable."],["SamplerVar","Sampler shader parameter."],["TextureVar","Texture shader parameter."],["UnorderedVar","Unordered access shader parameter."]],"trait":[["BaseTyped","A trait that statically links simple data types to base types of the shader constants."],["Formatted","A trait that statically links simple data types to constant formats."]],"type":[["ConstFormat","Format of a shader constant."],["CreateProgramError","An error type for creating programs."],["Dimension","Number of components in a container type (vectors/matrices)"],["Location","Location of a parameter in the program."]]});