initSidebarItems({"enum":[["InitError","Failure to initilize the link between the shader and the data."]],"mod":[["buffer","Buffer components for PSO macro."],["resource","Resource components for PSO macro."],["target","Render target components for the PSO macro."]],"struct":[["Descriptor","All the information surrounding a shader program that is required for PSO creation, including the formats of vertex buffers and pixel targets;"],["PipelineState","Strongly-typed compiled pipeline state."],["RawDataSet","A complete set of raw data that needs to be specified at run-time whenever we draw something with a PSO. This is what \"data\" struct gets transformed into when we call `encoder.draw(...)` with it. It doesn't have any typing information, since PSO knows what format and layout to expect from each resource."]],"trait":[["DataBind","The \"bind\" logic portion of the PSO component. Defines how the user data translates into the raw data set."],["DataLink","The \"link\" logic portion of a PSO component. Defines the input data for the component."],["PipelineData","a service trait implemented the \"data\" structure of PSO."],["PipelineInit","A service trait implemented by the \"init\" structure of PSO."]]});