Module gfx_hal::window

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Windowing system interoperability

Screen presentation (fullscreen or window) of images requires two objects:

  • Surface is the host abstraction of the native screen
  • Swapchain is the device abstraction for a surface, containing multiple presentable images






The most interesting part of a swapchain are the contained presentable images/backbuffers. Presentable images are specialized images, which can be presented on the screen. They are 2D color images with optionally associated depth-stencil images.

The common steps for presentation of a frame are acquisition and presentation:

use gfx_hal::{Device, FrameSync};

let acquisition_semaphore = device.create_semaphore().unwrap();
let render_semaphore = device.create_semaphore().unwrap();

let frame = swapchain.acquire_image(!0, FrameSync::Semaphore(&acquisition_semaphore));
// render the scene..
// `render_semaphore` will be signalled once rendering has been finished
swapchain.present(&mut present_queue, 0, &[render_semaphore]);

Queues need to synchronize with the presentation engine, usually done via signalling a semaphore once a frame is available for rendering and waiting on a separate semaphore until scene rendering has finished.




An extent describes the size of a rectangle, such as a window or texture. It is not used for referring to a sub-rectangle; for that see command::Rect.
Describes information about what a Surface’s properties are. Fetch this with surface.capabilities_and_formats(device).
Contains all the data necessary to create a new Swapchain: color, depth, and number of images.


Error on acquiring the next image from a swapchain.
Swapchain backbuffer type
Specifies the composition of the swapchain with regards to alpha component.
Error occurred during swapchain creation.
Synchronization primitives which will be signalled once a frame got retrieved.
Specifies the mode regulating how a swapchain presents frames.


A Surface abstracts the surface of a native window, which will be presented on the display.
The Swapchain is the backend representation of the surface. It consists of multiple buffers, which will be presented on the surface.

Type Definitions

Index of an image in the swapchain.