[][src]Macro geyser::shader

macro_rules! shader {
    (name: $name:ident, $tt:tt: $arg:expr) => { ... };

Creates a module containing a shader.

Note that this macro only works when placed outside of any scope.

This is useful for dealing with push constants.

  • Example
use geyser::Cryo;

//Use shader
geyser::shader! {
    name: TestShader,
    src: "
#version 450

layout(push_constant) uniform PushConstantData {
    int add;
} pc;

layout(set = 0, binding = 0) buffer Buf {
    int data[];
} buf;

void main() {
    uint idx = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;

    buf.data[idx] = idx + pc.add;

fn main() {
    // Initialize vulkan
    let cryo = Cryo::new();

    // Create pipeline from the cryo and the shader previously created.
    let pipeline = compute_pipeline!{

    // Create the push constant struct
    let pc = PushConstantData {
        add: 42,
    // Create a buffer
    let buf = cryo.buffer_from_data(vec![0; 200]);

    // Create a descriptor set pointing to the buffer
    let set = descriptor_set!([buf], pipeline);

    // Dispatch the shader
    pipeline.dispatch([200, 1, 1], set.clone(), pc);
    // Display the result
    buf.read().expect("Failed to read from buffer")
        .iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, x)| println!("Index: {} equals: {}", i, *x));