[][src]Macro geyser::descriptor_set

macro_rules! descriptor_set {
    ([$($buffer:expr),+], $pipeline:expr) => { ... };

Creates an Arc<PersistantDescriptorSet> from list of buffer and a pipeline


use geyser::instance::Instance;
let cryo = Cryo::new();
let pipeline = compute_pipeline!(
    src: "
#version 450
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) buffer Data {
    uint data[];
} buf;
void main() {
    uint idx = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
    buf.data[idx] = idx * 12;
let buf = cryo.buffer_from_data(vec![42; 69]).expect("Failed to create buffer");
let set = descriptor_set!([buf], pipeline);