Crate geoserde

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Geoserde is an adapter between geographic feature structs and GIS file formats.

§Getting started

cargo add geoserde

§Cargo features

  • geozero - Implement geoserde sink for geozero processors. Enabled by default.


use geo_types::Point;
use geoserde::FeatureSerializer;
use geozero::geojson::GeoJsonWriter;
use serde::Serialize;

// Print two features to the console in GeoJson format
fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    // If you want to write to a file, use BufWriter<File> instead
    let mut buf = vec![];

    // Any format that has an implementation of geozero::FeatureProcessor can be used,
    // such as wkt, shp, fgb, etc. See also
    let mut geojson = GeoJsonWriter::new(&mut buf);

    // Serialize features to GeoJson format
    let mut ser = FeatureSerializer::new(&mut geojson);
    my_features().serialize(&mut ser)?;

    println!("{}", std::str::from_utf8(&buf)?);

// Create feature array
fn my_features() -> impl Serialize {
        Station {
            name: "King's Cross",
            europe: true,
            loc: Point::new(51.5321, -0.1233),
        Station {
            name: "Tokyo",
            europe: false,
            loc: Point::new(139.7661, 35.6812),

// Geographic feature
struct Station {
    // Property
    name: &'static str,

    // Property
    europe: bool,

    // Geometry
    loc: Point,


