[][src]Module genpdf::fonts

Fonts, font families and a font cache.

The FontCache caches all loaded fonts. Fonts are loaded from TTF files with the Document::load_font_family method and stored in the FontCache. A Font is a reference to a cached font in the FontCache. A FontFamily is a collection of a regular, a bold, an italic and a bold italic font.

Note: The Font and FontFamily structs are only valid for the FontCache they have been created with. If you dont use the low-level render module directly, only use the Document::load_font_family method to load fonts!


There are two types of font data: A rusttype::Font is used to calculate the size of formatted text. It can be loaded at any time using the FontCache::load_font method. Once the PDF document is rendered, a printpdf::IndirectFontRef is used to draw text in the PDF document. Before a font can be used in a PDF document, it has to be embedded using the FontCache::load_pdf_fonts method.

If you use the high-level interface provided by Document to generate a PDF document, these steps are done automatically. You only have to manually populate the font cache if you use the low-level interface in the render module.



A reference to a font cached by a FontCache.


Stores font data that can be referenced by a Font or FontFamily.


A collection of fonts with different styles.