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// MIT License - Copyright (c) 2022 Nicolás Castellán
// SPDX License identifier: MIT
// Read the included LICENSE file for more information
//! # genpass3
//! `genpass3` is a library and binary crate that allows Linux users to generate very long & secure
//! passwords at incredible speeds using `/dev/urandom`.
use std::{
io::{BufReader, Read},
/// The config for the generation of passwords. Taken as an argument by the [`run`](run) function.
/// You can create an instance of this struct using [`Config::new`](Config::new) or
/// [`Config::build`](Config::build).
pub struct Config {
length: usize,
impl Config {
/// Creates a [`Config`](Config) type using the command line arguments of the binary, passed in
/// as arguments. **Assumes** the first iteration of `args` is the program name, so it's
/// ignored.
/// Parameter:
/// - `args` - An iterator, meant to iterate over the binary's arguments and flags.
/// # Errors
/// This function can result in an error if the length parameter could not be parsed into a
/// [`usize`](usize).
pub fn build(mut args: impl Iterator<Item = String>) -> Result<Config, Box<dyn Error>> {
// Ignore the first argument;
let length = match {
Some(length) => length.parse()?,
None => 16,
Ok(Config { length })
/// Creates a [`Config`](Config) type. Recommended over [`Config::build`](Config::build) for
/// most use cases.
/// Parameter:
/// - `length` - A [`usize`](usize) to act as the length of the password.
pub fn new(length: usize) -> Config {
Config { length }
/// Prints the configuration options to stderr.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use genpass3::*;
/// Config::print_config();
/// ```
pub fn print_config() {
\x1B[01m{} <LENGTH>\x1B[00m\n
The LENGTH is an optional parameter specifying the desired length of the password.\n
Version: {}, {} License
/// Runs the configured password generation
/// Parameter:
/// - `config` - A [`Config`](Config) that contains the configuration for the function.
/// # Errors
/// This function can return errors if `/dev/urandom` does not exist.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use genpass3::*;
/// # let args = vec![
/// # String::from("program_name"),
/// # String::from("20"),
/// # ];
/// # let args = args.into_iter();
/// let config = match Config::build(args) {
/// Ok(config) => config,
/// Err(error) => panic!("Failed to build `Config`: {}", error),
/// };
/// genpass3::run(&config);
/// ```
pub fn run(config: &Config) -> Result<String, Box<dyn Error>> {
let mut password = vec![0u8; config.length];
// This is a special file available in Linux as a way to get random data.
// It's a device, it generates characters as we request it.
let dev_chars = File::open("/dev/urandom")?;
let mut reader = BufReader::with_capacity(config.length, dev_chars);
// Read all the data at once.
reader.read_exact(&mut password)?;
// We're bounding our characters within 32 and 127 in ASCII.
let min_ascii = 32;
let diff_ascii = 95;
// We need to iterate over a range of numbers because if we were to iterate over the
// elements of the Vec we would have mutable reference problems.
for i in 0..config.length {
password[i] = password[i] % diff_ascii + min_ascii;
// Effectively transforms `Vec<u8>` into `Vec<char>` into `String`.
let password: String = password.into_iter().map(|c| c as char).collect();