[][src]Trait genevo::operator::ReinsertionOp

pub trait ReinsertionOp<G, F>: GeneticOperator where
    G: Genotype,
    F: Fitness
{ fn combine<R>(
        offspring: &mut Offspring<G>,
        population: &EvaluatedPopulation<G, F>,
        rng: &mut R
    ) -> Vec<G>
        R: Rng + Sized
; }

A ReinsertionOp defines a function that combines the offspring with the current population to create the population for the next generation. At the end the new population must be of the same size as the original population.

The ReinsertionOp may decide which individuals in the offspring will make it into the new population. It is not required that all individuals of the offspring are reinserted into the new population.

The only hard requirement is that the new population is of same size as the original population. If the offspring contains less individuals than the size of the original population or not all individuals are moved to the new population then some individuals from the original population are taken over into the new population. If the size of the offspring is bigger than the size of the original population, then not all individuals from the offspring are inserted into the new population.

Required methods

fn combine<R>(
    offspring: &mut Offspring<G>,
    population: &EvaluatedPopulation<G, F>,
    rng: &mut R
) -> Vec<G> where
    R: Rng + Sized

Combines the given offspring with the current population to create the population of the next generation.

The offspring parameter is passed as mutable borrow. It can be mutated to avoid cloning. The genetic::Genotypes that make it up into the new population should be moved instead of cloned. After this function finishes the offspring vector should hold only those genetic::Genotypes that have not been included in the resulting population. If by the end of this function all genetic::Genotypes in offspring have been moved to the resulting population the offspring vector should be left empty.

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impl<G, F> ReinsertionOp<G, F> for UniformReinserter where
    G: Genotype,
    F: Fitness

impl<G, F, E> ReinsertionOp<G, F> for ElitistReinserter<G, F, E> where
    G: Genotype,
    F: Fitness,
    E: FitnessFunction<G, F>, 

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