var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["generic_array"] = {"doc":"This crate implements a structure that can be used as a generic array type.use\nCore Rust array types `[T; N]` can't be used generically with respect to `N`, so for example this:","items":[[3,"GenericArrayImplEven","generic_array","Internal type used to generate a struct of appropriate size",null,null],[3,"GenericArrayImplOdd","","Internal type used to generate a struct of appropriate size",null,null],[3,"GenericArray","","Struct representing a generic array - GenericArray<T, N> works like [T; N]",null,null],[8,"ArrayLength","","Trait making GenericArray work, marking types to be used as length of an array",null,null],[16,"ArrayType","","Associated type representing the array type for the number",0,null],[11,"deref","","",1,null],[11,"deref_mut","","",1,null],[11,"new","","Function constructing an array filled with default values",1,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"genericarray"}}],[11,"from_slice","","Function constructing an array from a slice; the length of the slice must be equal to the length of the array",1,null]],"paths":[[8,"ArrayLength"],[3,"GenericArray"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);