[][src]Struct gdnative::SpatialMaterial

pub struct SpatialMaterial { /* fields omitted */ }

core class SpatialMaterial inherits Material (reference counted).

Official documentation

See the documentation of this class in the Godot engine's official documentation.

Memory management

The lifetime of this object is automatically managed through reference counting.

Feature flag

This type is behind the gdnative crate's graphics feature flag.

Class hierarchy

SpatialMaterial inherits methods from:


impl SpatialMaterial

pub fn new() -> SpatialMaterial

pub fn new_ref(&self) -> SpatialMaterial

Creates a new reference to the same reference-counted object.

pub fn set_albedo(&mut self, albedo: Color)

pub fn get_albedo(&self) -> Color

pub fn set_specular(&mut self, specular: f64)

pub fn get_specular(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_metallic(&mut self, metallic: f64)

pub fn get_metallic(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_roughness(&mut self, roughness: f64)

pub fn get_roughness(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_emission(&mut self, emission: Color)

pub fn get_emission(&self) -> Color

pub fn set_emission_energy(&mut self, emission_energy: f64)

pub fn get_emission_energy(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_normal_scale(&mut self, normal_scale: f64)

pub fn get_normal_scale(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_rim(&mut self, rim: f64)

pub fn get_rim(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_rim_tint(&mut self, rim_tint: f64)

pub fn get_rim_tint(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_clearcoat(&mut self, clearcoat: f64)

pub fn get_clearcoat(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_clearcoat_gloss(&mut self, clearcoat_gloss: f64)

pub fn get_clearcoat_gloss(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_anisotropy(&mut self, anisotropy: f64)

pub fn get_anisotropy(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_depth_scale(&mut self, depth_scale: f64)

pub fn get_depth_scale(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_subsurface_scattering_strength(&mut self, strength: f64)

pub fn get_subsurface_scattering_strength(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_transmission(&mut self, transmission: Color)

pub fn get_transmission(&self) -> Color

pub fn set_refraction(&mut self, refraction: f64)

pub fn get_refraction(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_line_width(&mut self, line_width: f64)

pub fn get_line_width(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_point_size(&mut self, point_size: f64)

pub fn get_point_size(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_detail_uv(&mut self, detail_uv: i64)

pub fn get_detail_uv(&self) -> SpatialMaterialDetailUV

pub fn set_blend_mode(&mut self, blend_mode: i64)

pub fn get_blend_mode(&self) -> SpatialMaterialBlendMode

pub fn set_depth_draw_mode(&mut self, depth_draw_mode: i64)

pub fn get_depth_draw_mode(&self) -> SpatialMaterialDepthDrawMode

pub fn set_cull_mode(&mut self, cull_mode: i64)

pub fn get_cull_mode(&self) -> SpatialMaterialCullMode

pub fn set_diffuse_mode(&mut self, diffuse_mode: i64)

pub fn get_diffuse_mode(&self) -> SpatialMaterialDiffuseMode

pub fn set_specular_mode(&mut self, specular_mode: i64)

pub fn get_specular_mode(&self) -> SpatialMaterialSpecularMode

pub fn set_flag(&mut self, flag: i64, enable: bool)

pub fn get_flag(&self, flag: i64) -> bool

pub fn set_feature(&mut self, feature: i64, enable: bool)

pub fn get_feature(&self, feature: i64) -> bool

pub fn set_texture(&mut self, param: i64, texture: Option<Texture>)

pub fn get_texture(&self, param: i64) -> Option<Texture>

pub fn set_detail_blend_mode(&mut self, detail_blend_mode: i64)

pub fn get_detail_blend_mode(&self) -> SpatialMaterialBlendMode

pub fn set_uv1_scale(&mut self, scale: TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>)

pub fn get_uv1_scale(&self) -> TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>

pub fn set_uv1_offset(&mut self, offset: TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>)

pub fn get_uv1_offset(&self) -> TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>

pub fn set_uv1_triplanar_blend_sharpness(&mut self, sharpness: f64)

pub fn get_uv1_triplanar_blend_sharpness(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_uv2_scale(&mut self, scale: TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>)

pub fn get_uv2_scale(&self) -> TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>

pub fn set_uv2_offset(&mut self, offset: TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>)

pub fn get_uv2_offset(&self) -> TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>

pub fn set_uv2_triplanar_blend_sharpness(&mut self, sharpness: f64)

pub fn get_uv2_triplanar_blend_sharpness(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_billboard_mode(&mut self, mode: i64)

pub fn get_billboard_mode(&self) -> SpatialMaterialBillboardMode

pub fn set_particles_anim_h_frames(&mut self, frames: i64)

pub fn get_particles_anim_h_frames(&self) -> i64

pub fn set_particles_anim_v_frames(&mut self, frames: i64)

pub fn get_particles_anim_v_frames(&self) -> i64

pub fn set_particles_anim_loop(&mut self, frames: i64)

pub fn get_particles_anim_loop(&self) -> i64

pub fn set_depth_deep_parallax(&mut self, enable: bool)

pub fn is_depth_deep_parallax_enabled(&self) -> bool

pub fn set_depth_deep_parallax_min_layers(&mut self, layer: i64)

pub fn get_depth_deep_parallax_min_layers(&self) -> i64

pub fn set_depth_deep_parallax_max_layers(&mut self, layer: i64)

pub fn get_depth_deep_parallax_max_layers(&self) -> i64

pub fn set_grow(&mut self, amount: f64)

pub fn get_grow(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_emission_operator(&mut self, operator: i64)

pub fn get_emission_operator(&self) -> SpatialMaterialEmissionOperator

pub fn set_ao_light_affect(&mut self, amount: f64)

pub fn get_ao_light_affect(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_alpha_scissor_threshold(&mut self, threshold: f64)

pub fn get_alpha_scissor_threshold(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_grow_enabled(&mut self, enable: bool)

pub fn is_grow_enabled(&self) -> bool

pub fn set_metallic_texture_channel(&mut self, channel: i64)

pub fn get_metallic_texture_channel(&self) -> SpatialMaterialTextureChannel

pub fn set_roughness_texture_channel(&mut self, channel: i64)

pub fn get_roughness_texture_channel(&self) -> SpatialMaterialTextureChannel

pub fn set_ao_texture_channel(&mut self, channel: i64)

pub fn get_ao_texture_channel(&self) -> SpatialMaterialTextureChannel

pub fn set_refraction_texture_channel(&mut self, channel: i64)

pub fn get_refraction_texture_channel(&self) -> SpatialMaterialTextureChannel

pub fn set_proximity_fade(&mut self, enabled: bool)

pub fn is_proximity_fade_enabled(&self) -> bool

pub fn set_proximity_fade_distance(&mut self, distance: f64)

pub fn get_proximity_fade_distance(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_distance_fade(&mut self, enabled: bool)

pub fn is_distance_fade_enabled(&self) -> bool

pub fn set_distance_fade_max_distance(&mut self, distance: f64)

pub fn get_distance_fade_max_distance(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_distance_fade_min_distance(&mut self, distance: f64)

pub fn get_distance_fade_min_distance(&self) -> f64

pub fn set_next_pass(&mut self, next_pass: Option<Material>)

Inherited from Material.

pub fn get_next_pass(&self) -> Option<Material>

Inherited from Material.

pub fn set_render_priority(&mut self, priority: i64)

Inherited from Material.

pub fn get_render_priority(&self) -> i64

Inherited from Material.

pub fn _setup_local_to_scene(&mut self)

Inherited from Resource.

pub fn set_path(&mut self, path: GodotString)

Inherited from Resource.

pub fn take_over_path(&mut self, path: GodotString)

Inherited from Resource.

pub fn get_path(&self) -> GodotString

Inherited from Resource.

pub fn set_name(&mut self, name: GodotString)

Inherited from Resource.

pub fn get_name(&self) -> GodotString

Inherited from Resource.

pub fn get_rid(&self) -> Rid

Inherited from Resource.

pub fn set_local_to_scene(&mut self, enable: bool)

Inherited from Resource.

pub fn is_local_to_scene(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Resource.

pub fn get_local_scene(&self) -> Option<Node>

Inherited from Resource.

pub fn setup_local_to_scene(&mut self)

Inherited from Resource.

pub fn duplicate(&self, subresources: bool) -> Option<Resource>

Inherited from Resource.

pub fn init_ref(&mut self) -> bool

Inherited from Reference.

pub fn _notification(&mut self, what: i64)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn _set(&mut self, property: GodotString, value: Variant) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub fn _get(&mut self, property: GodotString) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub fn _get_property_list(&mut self) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Object.

pub fn _init(&mut self)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_class(&self) -> GodotString

Inherited from Object.

pub fn is_class(&self, _type: GodotString) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub fn set(&mut self, property: GodotString, value: Variant)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get(&self, property: GodotString) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub fn set_indexed(&mut self, property: NodePath, value: Variant)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_indexed(&self, property: NodePath) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_property_list(&self) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_method_list(&self) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Object.

pub fn notification(&mut self, what: i64, reversed: bool)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_instance_id(&self) -> i64

Inherited from Object.

pub fn set_script(&mut self, script: Option<Reference>)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_script(&self) -> Option<Reference>

Inherited from Object.

pub fn set_meta(&mut self, name: GodotString, value: Variant)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_meta(&self, name: GodotString) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub fn has_meta(&self, name: GodotString) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_meta_list(&self) -> StringArray

Inherited from Object.

pub fn add_user_signal(&mut self, signal: GodotString, arguments: VariantArray)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn has_user_signal(&self, signal: GodotString) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub fn emit_signal(
    &mut self,
    signal: GodotString,
    varargs: &[Variant]
) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub fn call(&mut self, method: GodotString, varargs: &[Variant]) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub fn call_deferred(
    &mut self,
    method: GodotString,
    varargs: &[Variant]
) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub fn callv(&mut self, method: GodotString, arg_array: VariantArray) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub fn has_method(&self, method: GodotString) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_signal_list(&self) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_signal_connection_list(&self, signal: GodotString) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_incoming_connections(&self) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Object.

pub fn connect(
    &mut self,
    signal: GodotString,
    target: Option<Object>,
    method: GodotString,
    binds: VariantArray,
    flags: i64
) -> Result<(), GodotError>

Inherited from Object.

pub fn disconnect(
    &mut self,
    signal: GodotString,
    target: Option<Object>,
    method: GodotString

Inherited from Object.

pub fn is_connected(
    signal: GodotString,
    target: Option<Object>,
    method: GodotString
) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub fn set_block_signals(&mut self, enable: bool)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn is_blocking_signals(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub fn property_list_changed_notify(&mut self)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn set_message_translation(&mut self, enable: bool)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn can_translate_messages(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub fn tr(&self, message: GodotString) -> GodotString

Inherited from Object.

pub fn is_queued_for_deletion(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub fn to_material(&self) -> Material


pub fn to_resource(&self) -> Resource


pub fn to_reference(&self) -> Reference


pub fn to_object(&self) -> Object


pub fn cast<T>(&self) -> Option<T> where
    T: GodotObject

Generic dynamic cast.

Trait Implementations

impl GodotObject for SpatialMaterial

impl Debug for SpatialMaterial

impl Drop for SpatialMaterial

impl ToVariant for SpatialMaterial

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> From for T

impl<T, U> Into for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T, U> TryFrom for T where
    T: From<U>, 

type Error = !

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (try_from)

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Borrow for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T, U> TryInto for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (try_from)

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized