Expand description

Global initialization and termination of the library.

This module provides all the plumbing required for global initialization and shutdown of godot-rust.

Init and exit hooks

Three endpoints are automatically invoked by the engine during startup and shutdown:

All three must be present. To quickly define all three endpoints using the default names, use godot_init.

Registering script classes

InitHandle is the registry of all your exported symbols. To register script classes, call InitHandle::add_class() or InitHandle::add_tool_class() in your godot_nativescript_init or godot_init callback:

use gdnative::prelude::*;

struct HelloWorld { /* ... */ }

impl HelloWorld { /* ... */ }

fn init(handle: InitHandle) {



pub use crate::godot_gdnative_init;
pub use crate::godot_gdnative_terminate;
pub use crate::godot_init;
pub use crate::godot_nativescript_init;


A handle that can register new classes to the engine during initialization.

Context for the godot_gdnative_init callback.

Context for the godot_gdnative_terminate callback.