Struct gdnative_bindings::Resource[][src]

pub struct Resource { /* fields omitted */ }

core class Resource inherits Reference (reference counted).

Official documentation

See the documentation of this class in the Godot engine's official documentation. The method descriptions are generated from it and typically contain code samples in GDScript, not Rust.

Memory management

The lifetime of this object is automatically managed through reference counting.

Class hierarchy

Resource inherits methods from:


All types in the Godot API have "interior mutability" in Rust parlance. To enforce that the official thread-safety guidelines are followed, the typestate pattern is used in the Ref and TRef smart pointers, and the Instance API. The typestate Access in these types tracks whether the access is unique, shared, or exclusive to the current thread. For more information, see the type-level documentation on Ref.


impl Resource[src]

pub fn new() -> Ref<Self, Unique>[src]

Creates a new instance of this object.

This is a reference-counted type. The returned object is automatically managed by Ref.

pub fn duplicate(&self, subresources: bool) -> Option<Ref<Resource, Shared>>[src]

Duplicates the resource, returning a new resource. By default, sub-resources are shared between resource copies for efficiency. This can be changed by passing true to the subresources argument which will copy the subresources. Note: If subresources is true, this method will only perform a shallow copy. Nested resources within subresources will not be duplicated and will still be shared.

Default Arguments

  • subresources - false

pub fn get_local_scene(&self) -> Option<Ref<Node, Shared>>[src]

If [member resource_local_to_scene] is enabled and the resource was loaded from a PackedScene instantiation, returns the local scene where this resource's unique copy is in use. Otherwise, returns null.

pub fn name(&self) -> GodotString[src]

The name of the resource. This is an optional identifier.

pub fn path(&self) -> GodotString[src]

The path to the resource. In case it has its own file, it will return its filepath. If it's tied to the scene, it will return the scene's path, followed by the resource's index.

pub fn get_rid(&self) -> Rid[src]

Returns the RID of the resource (or an empty RID). Many resources (such as Texture, Mesh, etc) are high-level abstractions of resources stored in a server, so this function will return the original RID.

pub fn is_local_to_scene(&self) -> bool[src]

If true, the resource will be made unique in each instance of its local scene. It can thus be modified in a scene instance without impacting other instances of that same scene.

pub fn set_local_to_scene(&self, enable: bool)[src]

If true, the resource will be made unique in each instance of its local scene. It can thus be modified in a scene instance without impacting other instances of that same scene.

pub fn set_name(&self, name: impl Into<GodotString>)[src]

The name of the resource. This is an optional identifier.

pub fn set_path(&self, path: impl Into<GodotString>)[src]

The path to the resource. In case it has its own file, it will return its filepath. If it's tied to the scene, it will return the scene's path, followed by the resource's index.

pub fn setup_local_to_scene(&self)[src]

This method is called when a resource with [member resource_local_to_scene] enabled is loaded from a PackedScene instantiation. Its behavior can be customized by overriding [method _setup_local_to_scene] from script. For most resources, this method performs no base logic. ViewportTexture performs custom logic to properly set the proxy texture and flags in the local viewport.

pub fn take_over_path(&self, path: impl Into<GodotString>)[src]

Sets the path of the resource, potentially overriding an existing cache entry for this path. This differs from setting [member resource_path], as the latter would error out if another resource was already cached for the given path.

Methods from Deref<Target = Reference>

pub fn init_ref(&self) -> bool[src]

Initializes the internal reference counter. Use this only if you really know what you are doing. Returns whether the initialization was successful.

Methods from Deref<Target = Object>

pub fn add_user_signal(
    signal: impl Into<GodotString>,
    arguments: VariantArray

Adds a user-defined signal. Arguments are optional, but can be added as an [Array] of dictionaries, each containing name: String and type: int (see [enum Variant.Type]) entries.

Default Arguments

  • arguments - [ ]

pub unsafe fn call(
    method: impl Into<GodotString>,
    varargs: &[Variant]
) -> Variant

Sample code is GDScript unless otherwise noted.

Calls the method on the object and returns the result. This method supports a variable number of arguments, so parameters are passed as a comma separated list. Example:

call("set", "position", Vector2(42.0, 0.0))

Note: In C#, the method name must be specified as snake_case if it is defined by a built-in Godot node. This doesn't apply to user-defined methods where you should use the same convention as in the C# source (typically PascalCase).


This function bypasses Rust's static type checks (aliasing, thread boundaries, calls to free(), ...).

pub unsafe fn call_deferred(
    method: impl Into<GodotString>,
    varargs: &[Variant]
) -> Variant

Sample code is GDScript unless otherwise noted.

Calls the method on the object during idle time. This method supports a variable number of arguments, so parameters are passed as a comma separated list. Example:

call_deferred("set", "position", Vector2(42.0, 0.0))

Note: In C#, the method name must be specified as snake_case if it is defined by a built-in Godot node. This doesn't apply to user-defined methods where you should use the same convention as in the C# source (typically PascalCase).


This function bypasses Rust's static type checks (aliasing, thread boundaries, calls to free(), ...).

pub unsafe fn callv(
    method: impl Into<GodotString>,
    arg_array: VariantArray
) -> Variant

Sample code is GDScript unless otherwise noted.

Calls the method on the object and returns the result. Contrarily to [method call], this method does not support a variable number of arguments but expects all parameters to be via a single [Array].

callv("set", [ "position", Vector2(42.0, 0.0) ])


This function bypasses Rust's static type checks (aliasing, thread boundaries, calls to free(), ...).

pub fn can_translate_messages(&self) -> bool[src]

Returns true if the object can translate strings. See [method set_message_translation] and [method tr].

pub fn connect(
    signal: impl Into<GodotString>,
    target: impl AsArg<Object>,
    method: impl Into<GodotString>,
    binds: VariantArray,
    flags: i64
) -> GodotResult

Sample code is GDScript unless otherwise noted.

Connects a signal to a method on a target object. Pass optional binds to the call as an [Array] of parameters. These parameters will be passed to the method after any parameter used in the call to [method emit_signal]. Use flags to set deferred or one-shot connections. See [enum ConnectFlags] constants. A signal can only be connected once to a method. It will throw an error if already connected, unless the signal was connected with [constant CONNECT_REFERENCE_COUNTED]. To avoid this, first, use [method is_connected] to check for existing connections. If the target is destroyed in the game's lifecycle, the connection will be lost. Examples:

connect("pressed", self, "_on_Button_pressed") # BaseButton signal
connect("text_entered", self, "_on_LineEdit_text_entered") # LineEdit signal
connect("hit", self, "_on_Player_hit", [ weapon_type, damage ]) # User-defined signal

An example of the relationship between binds passed to [method connect] and parameters used when calling [method emit_signal]:

connect("hit", self, "_on_Player_hit", [ weapon_type, damage ]) # weapon_type and damage are passed last
emit_signal("hit", "Dark lord", 5) # "Dark lord" and 5 are passed first
func _on_Player_hit(hit_by, level, weapon_type, damage):
    print("Hit by %s (lvl %d) with weapon %s for %d damage" % [hit_by, level, weapon_type, damage])

Default Arguments

  • binds - [ ]
  • flags - 0

pub fn disconnect(
    signal: impl Into<GodotString>,
    target: impl AsArg<Object>,
    method: impl Into<GodotString>

Disconnects a signal from a method on the given target. If you try to disconnect a connection that does not exist, the method will throw an error. Use [method is_connected] to ensure that the connection exists.

pub fn emit_signal(
    signal: impl Into<GodotString>,
    varargs: &[Variant]
) -> Variant

Sample code is GDScript unless otherwise noted.

Emits the given signal. The signal must exist, so it should be a built-in signal of this class or one of its parent classes, or a user-defined signal. This method supports a variable number of arguments, so parameters are passed as a comma separated list. Example:

emit_signal("hit", weapon_type, damage)

pub fn get(&self, property: impl Into<GodotString>) -> Variant[src]

Returns the Variant value of the given property. If the property doesn't exist, this will return null. Note: In C#, the property name must be specified as snake_case if it is defined by a built-in Godot node. This doesn't apply to user-defined properties where you should use the same convention as in the C# source (typically PascalCase).

pub fn get_class(&self) -> GodotString[src]

Returns the object's class as a String.

pub fn get_incoming_connections(&self) -> VariantArray[src]

Returns an [Array] of dictionaries with information about signals that are connected to the object. Each Dictionary contains three String entries:

  • source is a reference to the signal emitter.
  • signal_name is the name of the connected signal.
  • method_name is the name of the method to which the signal is connected.

pub fn get_indexed(&self, property: impl Into<NodePath>) -> Variant[src]

Gets the object's property indexed by the given NodePath. The node path should be relative to the current object and can use the colon character (:) to access nested properties. Examples: "position:x" or "material:next_pass:blend_mode".

pub fn get_instance_id(&self) -> i64[src]

Returns the object's unique instance ID. This ID can be saved in EncodedObjectAsID, and can be used to retrieve the object instance with [method @GDScript.instance_from_id].

pub fn get_meta(&self, name: impl Into<GodotString>) -> Variant[src]

Returns the object's metadata entry for the given name.

pub fn get_meta_list(&self) -> StringArray[src]

Returns the object's metadata as a [PoolStringArray].

pub fn get_method_list(&self) -> VariantArray[src]

Returns the object's methods and their signatures as an [Array].

pub fn get_property_list(&self) -> VariantArray[src]

Returns the object's property list as an [Array] of dictionaries. Each property's Dictionary contain at least name: String and type: int (see [enum Variant.Type]) entries. Optionally, it can also include hint: int (see [enum PropertyHint]), hint_string: String, and usage: int (see [enum PropertyUsageFlags]).

pub fn get_script(&self) -> Option<Ref<Reference, Shared>>[src]

Returns the object's Script instance, or null if none is assigned.

pub fn get_signal_connection_list(
    signal: impl Into<GodotString>
) -> VariantArray

Returns an [Array] of connections for the given signal.

pub fn get_signal_list(&self) -> VariantArray[src]

Returns the list of signals as an [Array] of dictionaries.

pub fn has_meta(&self, name: impl Into<GodotString>) -> bool[src]

Returns true if a metadata entry is found with the given name.

pub fn has_method(&self, method: impl Into<GodotString>) -> bool[src]

Returns true if the object contains the given method.

pub fn has_signal(&self, signal: impl Into<GodotString>) -> bool[src]

Returns true if the given signal exists.

pub fn has_user_signal(&self, signal: impl Into<GodotString>) -> bool[src]

Returns true if the given user-defined signal exists. Only signals added using [method add_user_signal] are taken into account.

pub fn is_blocking_signals(&self) -> bool[src]

Returns true if signal emission blocking is enabled.

pub fn is_class(&self, class: impl Into<GodotString>) -> bool[src]

Returns true if the object inherits from the given class.

pub fn is_connected(
    signal: impl Into<GodotString>,
    target: impl AsArg<Object>,
    method: impl Into<GodotString>
) -> bool

Returns true if a connection exists for a given signal, target, and method.

pub fn is_queued_for_deletion(&self) -> bool[src]

Returns true if the [method Node.queue_free] method was called for the object.

pub fn notification(&self, what: i64, reversed: bool)[src]

Send a given notification to the object, which will also trigger a call to the [method _notification] method of all classes that the object inherits from. If reversed is true, [method _notification] is called first on the object's own class, and then up to its successive parent classes. If reversed is false, [method _notification] is called first on the highest ancestor (Object itself), and then down to its successive inheriting classes.

Default Arguments

  • reversed - false

pub fn property_list_changed_notify(&self)[src]

Notify the editor that the property list has changed, so that editor plugins can take the new values into account. Does nothing on export builds.

pub fn remove_meta(&self, name: impl Into<GodotString>)[src]

Removes a given entry from the object's metadata. See also [method set_meta].

pub fn set(&self, property: impl Into<GodotString>, value: impl OwnedToVariant)[src]

Assigns a new value to the given property. If the property does not exist, nothing will happen. Note: In C#, the property name must be specified as snake_case if it is defined by a built-in Godot node. This doesn't apply to user-defined properties where you should use the same convention as in the C# source (typically PascalCase).

pub fn set_block_signals(&self, enable: bool)[src]

If set to true, signal emission is blocked.

pub fn set_deferred(
    property: impl Into<GodotString>,
    value: impl OwnedToVariant

Assigns a new value to the given property, after the current frame's physics step. This is equivalent to calling [method set] via [method call_deferred], i.e. call_deferred("set", property, value). Note: In C#, the property name must be specified as snake_case if it is defined by a built-in Godot node. This doesn't apply to user-defined properties where you should use the same convention as in the C# source (typically PascalCase).

pub fn set_indexed(
    property: impl Into<NodePath>,
    value: impl OwnedToVariant

Sample code is GDScript unless otherwise noted.

Assigns a new value to the property identified by the NodePath. The node path should be relative to the current object and can use the colon character (:) to access nested properties. Example:

set_indexed("position", Vector2(42, 0))
set_indexed("position:y", -10)
print(position) # (42, -10)

pub fn set_message_translation(&self, enable: bool)[src]

Defines whether the object can translate strings (with calls to [method tr]). Enabled by default.

pub fn set_meta(&self, name: impl Into<GodotString>, value: impl OwnedToVariant)[src]

Adds, changes or removes a given entry in the object's metadata. Metadata are serialized and can take any Variant value. To remove a given entry from the object's metadata, use [method remove_meta]. Metadata is also removed if its value is set to null. This means you can also use set_meta("name", null) to remove metadata for "name".

pub fn set_script(&self, script: impl AsArg<Reference>)[src]

Assigns a script to the object. Each object can have a single script assigned to it, which are used to extend its functionality. If the object already had a script, the previous script instance will be freed and its variables and state will be lost. The new script's [method _init] method will be called.

pub fn to_string(&self) -> GodotString[src]

Returns a String representing the object. If not overridden, defaults to "[ClassName:RID]". Override the method [method _to_string] to customize the String representation.

pub fn tr(&self, message: impl Into<GodotString>) -> GodotString[src]

Translates a message using translation catalogs configured in the Project Settings. Only works if message translation is enabled (which it is by default), otherwise it returns the message unchanged. See [method set_message_translation].

Trait Implementations

impl Debug for Resource[src]

impl Deref for Resource[src]

type Target = Reference

The resulting type after dereferencing.

impl DerefMut for Resource[src]

impl GodotObject for Resource[src]

type RefKind = RefCounted

The memory management kind of this type. This modifies the behavior of the Ref smart pointer. See its type-level documentation for more information. Read more

impl Instanciable for Resource[src]

impl Sealed for Resource[src]

impl SubClass<Object> for Resource[src]

impl SubClass<Reference> for Resource[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for StyleBox[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptSceneTree[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectLowPassFilter[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeDotProduct[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for PlaneShape[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectEQ21[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for ConcavePolygonShape[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for TileSet[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptOperator[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeScalarClamp[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for CircleShape2D[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for QuadMesh[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptComment[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptReturn[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeScalarFunc[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeTexture[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectHighShelfFilter[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectEQ6[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioStreamRandomPitch[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for Mesh[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for PhysicsMaterial[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for PlaneMesh[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptYield[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for MultiMesh[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectPitchShift[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptConstant[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeVectorCompose[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for NativeScript[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for OpenSimplexNoise[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeDeterminant[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for InputEventMouse[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for CubeMap[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptPreload[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for ParticlesMaterial[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeFresnel[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AnimationNodeBlend3[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AnimationNodeStateMachine[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for PolygonPathFinder[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for World[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for Curve2D[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for RayShape[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VideoStreamWebm[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AnimationNodeBlendSpace1D[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for CurveTexture[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for TextFile[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScript[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for HeightMapShape[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptSwitch[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for PackedScene[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for SpatialMaterial[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for ShaderMaterial[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for ShortCut[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for Shape2D[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShader[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeIs[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptClassConstant[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeTransformUniform[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeVectorInterp[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for NoiseTexture[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeBooleanConstant[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for CryptoKey[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectHighPassFilter[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for EditorSpatialGizmoPlugin[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for NavigationMesh[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeCubeMapUniform[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeTransformDecompose[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeScalarInterp[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptVariableSet[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeTransformVecMult[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeVectorDerivativeFunc[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for RayShape2D[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for BoxShape[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for ImageTexture[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AnimationNodeAnimation[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for InputEventPanGesture[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AnimationNodeAdd3[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AnimationNodeTimeScale[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for InputEventWithModifiers[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectAmplify[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for RichTextEffect[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptCondition[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for Environment[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptBuiltinFunc[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for ViewportTexture[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for Shape[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptLocalVarSet[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AnimationNodeBlendTree[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for CapsuleMesh[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptSceneNode[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for StreamTexture[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectReverb[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeTransformCompose[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptFunction[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AnimationNodeOutput[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for InputEventJoypadButton[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeScalarUniform[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptMathConstant[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for Font[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for InputEventAction[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for PHashTranslation[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptSequence[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeColorFunc[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for CylinderShape[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for StyleBoxTexture[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeCustom[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeOutput[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeVectorRefract[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for X509Certificate[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectRecord[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectChorus[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeCubeMap[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for PackedDataContainer[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for TextureArray[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectStereoEnhance[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptBasicTypeConstant[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeVectorScalarSmoothStep[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeVectorClamp[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffect[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VideoStream[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeTextureUniformTriplanar[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeTransformFunc[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for InputEventMouseButton[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for Skin[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeVectorSmoothStep[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for ButtonGroup[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AnimationNodeTransition[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for StyleBoxLine[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for Translation[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for EditorSettings[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptLists[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for ConvexPolygonShape2D[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeUniform[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectCompressor[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptGlobalConstant[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeColorUniform[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for MeshLibrary[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeVec3Constant[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioStreamMicrophone[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for SphereMesh[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for BitmapFont[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for PointMesh[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptSelect[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeExpression[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptPropertySet[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptYieldSignal[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for PanoramaSky[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for DynamicFont[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for SpriteFrames[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptEngineSingleton[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for InputEventScreenDrag[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for InputEventGesture[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for GradientTexture[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeVectorLen[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptIndexGet[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for Theme[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for StyleBoxFlat[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeBooleanUniform[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeInput[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeTransformMult[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptCustomNode[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for OccluderPolygon2D[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for CapsuleShape[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AnimationRootNode[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for CanvasItemMaterial[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for World2D[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptFunctionCall[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for Sky[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeSwitch[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectLowShelfFilter[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzer[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptPropertyGet[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectPanner[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for NavigationPolygon[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for SphereShape[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for Texture[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectEQ10[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AnimationNodeStateMachineTransition[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeScalarSwitch[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for Gradient[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptSubCall[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeScalarConstant[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for ProceduralSky[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptNode[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectBandPassFilter[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for InputEventScreenTouch[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AnimationNode[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptWhile[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptTypeCast[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for ConvexPolygonShape[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeTextureUniform[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeTransformConstant[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptExpression[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for LargeTexture[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptVariableGet[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeIf[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AnimationNodeBlend2[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeOuterProduct[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeScalarDerivativeFunc[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioBusLayout[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for InputEventMagnifyGesture[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AtlasTexture[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for Curve[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectLimiter[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectPhaser[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeVectorDistance[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeVec3Uniform[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeVectorDecompose[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AnimationNodeOneShot[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptResourcePath[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for Script[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AnimationNodeAdd2[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptIndexSet[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptComposeArray[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for Material[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for MeshTexture[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeGlobalExpression[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for Texture3D[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectBandLimitFilter[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioStreamGenerator[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for Animation[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for CylinderMesh[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptIterator[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptSelf[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptInputAction[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectDelay[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for ExternalTexture[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeGroupBase[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptEmitSignal[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeColorConstant[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for GDScript[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for InputEventMIDI[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeVectorScalarStep[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for CameraTexture[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for LineShape2D[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for PrismMesh[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for Image[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VideoStreamGDNative[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioStreamSample[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioStream[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for TextureLayered[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VideoStreamTheora[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectNotchFilter[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectEQ[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptConstructor[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for PluginScript[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for ArrayMesh[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AnimationNodeTimeSeek[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for CubeMesh[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeScalarSmoothStep[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for InputEvent[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for ProxyTexture[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for BakedLightmapData[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for InputEventMouseMotion[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for RectangleShape2D[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptLocalVar[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeColorOp[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeScalarOp[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectDistortion[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeCompare[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for BitMap[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeVectorOp[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeFaceForward[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for SegmentShape2D[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNodeVectorScalarMix[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for Shader[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for PrimitiveMesh[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for GDNativeLibrary[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for InputEventKey[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for CapsuleShape2D[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for GIProbeData[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AnimatedTexture[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualShaderNode[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for VisualScriptDeconstruct[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioEffectFilter[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for StyleBoxEmpty[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for ConcavePolygonShape2D[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for DynamicFontData[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for Curve3D[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for InputEventJoypadMotion[src]

impl SubClass<Resource> for AudioStreamOGGVorbis[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> SubClass<T> for T where
    T: GodotObject

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.