Module gd32vf103xx_hal::serial[][src]

Expand description

Serial Communication (USART)

This module contains the functions to utilize the USART (Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter)

Example usage:

// prelude: create handles to the peripherals and registers
let p = crate::pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let mut afio = p.AFIO.constrain(&mut rcu);
let mut gpioa = p.GPIOA.split();

// USART0 on Pins A9 and A10
let pin_tx = gpioa.pa9;
let pin_rx = gpioa.pa10;
// Create an interface struct for USART0 with 9600 Baud
let serial = Serial::new(
   (pin_tx, pin_rx),
   &mut afio,
   &mut rcu,

// separate into tx and rx channels
let (mut tx, mut rx) = serial.split();

// Write 'R' to the USART
// Receive a byte from the USART and store it in "received"
let received = block!(;


Serial receiver

Serial abstraction

Serial transmitter


Serial error

Interrupt event