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Peripheral access API for GD32F3X0 microcontrollers (generated using svd2rust v0.21.0 ( ))
You can find an overview of the generated API here.
API features to be included in the next
svd2rust release can be generated by cloning the svd2rust repository, checking out the above commit, and running cargo doc --open
pub use self::Interrupt as interrupt;
pub use i2c0 as i2c1;
pub use spi0 as spi1;
pub use timer1 as timer2;
pub use timer15 as timer16;
pub use usart0 as usart1;
- Analog to digital converter
- HDMI-CEC controller
- Comparator
- cyclic redundancy check calculation unit
- Clock trim controller
- Digital-to-analog converter
- Debug support
- DMA controller
- External interrupt/event controller
- free watchdog timer
- Common register and bit access and modify traits
- General-purpose I/Os
- General-purpose I/Os
- General-purpose I/Os
- General-purpose I/Os
- General-purpose I/Os
- Inter integrated circuit
- Power management unit
- Reset and clock unit
- Real-time clock
- Serial peripheral interface
- System configuration controller
- Advanced-timers
- General-purpose-timers
- Basic-timers
- General-purpose-timers
- General-purpose-timers
- General-purpose-timers
- Touch sensing Interface
- Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter
- USB on the go full speed device
- USB full speed global registers
- USB on the go full speed host
- USB on the go full speed
- Window watchdog timer
- Analog to digital converter
- Cache and branch predictor maintenance operations
- HDMI-CEC controller
- Comparator
- cyclic redundancy check calculation unit
- Clock trim controller
- Core peripherals
- Digital-to-analog converter
- Debug support
- Debug Control Block
- DMA controller
- Data Watchpoint and Trace unit
- External interrupt/event controller
- Flash Patch and Breakpoint unit
- free watchdog timer
- General-purpose I/Os
- General-purpose I/Os
- General-purpose I/Os
- General-purpose I/Os
- General-purpose I/Os
- Inter integrated circuit
- Inter integrated circuit
- Instrumentation Trace Macrocell
- Memory Protection Unit
- Nested Vector Interrupt Controller
- Power management unit
- All the peripherals
- Reset and clock unit
- Real-time clock
- System Control Block
- Serial peripheral interface
- Serial peripheral interface
- System configuration controller
- SysTick: System Timer
- Advanced-timers
- General-purpose-timers
- General-purpose-timers
- Basic-timers
- General-purpose-timers
- General-purpose-timers
- General-purpose-timers
- General-purpose-timers
- Trace Port Interface Unit
- Touch sensing Interface
- Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter
- Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter
- USB on the go full speed device
- USB full speed global registers
- USB on the go full speed host
- USB on the go full speed
- Window watchdog timer
- Enumeration of all the interrupts.
- Number available in the NVIC for configuring priority