Expand description

Split large text stream into multiple parts.


use gchemol_parser::TextReader;
use gchemol_parser::partition::*;
let txt = "part1> line 1
part1> line 2 tail
part2> line 3
part2> line 5 tail
part3> line 8 tail ";
// instruct TextReader how to split the text stream into multiple parts.
struct PartX;
impl ReadPart for PartX {
    fn read_next(&self, context: ReadContext) -> ReadAction {
        let n = context.number_of_lines();
        // check the last line
        if context.line(n).ends_with("tail\n") {
            // make a new part terminated with this line
        } else {
            // continue to read next line until find another tail line
let reader = TextReader::from_str(txt);
let parts = reader.partitions(PartX);
assert_eq!(parts.count(), 3);


Read in n lines at each time.

An iterator over part of text stream.

Preceded with a head line

A helper struct for handling buffered text.

Terminated with a tail line


Read text stream at line basis


Instruct the reader how to read a part of text by inspecting ReadContext