initSidebarItems({"fn":[["force_collect","Immediately trigger a garbage collection on the current thread."]],"macro":[["custom_trace!","This rule implements the trace method. You define a this parameter name, and pass in a body, the body should call `mark` on every traceable element inside the body, and the mark implementation will automatically delegate to the correct method on the argument."],["unsafe_empty_trace!","This simple rule implements the trace methods such with empty implementations - use this for marking types as not containing any Trace types!"]],"struct":[["Gc","A garbage-collected pointer type over an immutable value."],["GcCell","A mutable memory location with dynamically checked borrow rules which can be used inside of a garbage collected pointer."],["GcCellRefMut","A wrapper type for a mutably borrowed value from a GcCell"]],"trait":[["Trace","The Trace trait which needs to be implemented on garbage collected objects"]],"type":[["GcCellRef","A wrapper type for an immutably borrowed value from a GcCell"]]});