multi_bits!() { /* proc-macro */ }
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Generates one or more virtual multi-bit fields within a type.

You must use this within an impl block for a tuple struct that has an integral type as the 0th field.

  • Each virtual field has a base position and width.
  • Each virtual field is either of the 0th field integral type OR a specified enum type which must have a repr that matches the 0th field type.

Specify the type of the 0th tuple field, a comma, and then a Group. The Group must contain a comma separated list of Group values that each specify one field.

The specification is one of:

  • (base, width, name)
  • (base, width, name, EnumType, EnumTag1, EnumTagN...)

With the Enum version, you must provide the tags in the order they should be used. Even a proc-macro doesn’t have the reflection required

Such as the following example:

impl Demo {
      (0, 2, priority),
      (2, 2, cbb),
      (8, 5, sbb),
      (14, 2, size, SizeEnum, Small, Medium, Large),