[][src]Module gba_addresses::oam

Object Attribute Memory (OAM).

This portion of memory intermixes the Object (OBJ) Attributes, as well as the Affine Parameters.

  • Object Attributes:
    • You get 128 object entries.
    • Each complete entry is three 16-bit values. These pseudo-fields are referred to as "attr0", "attr1", and "attr2".
    • There's also a 16-bit span that's not part of the object attributes after each set of attributes, before the next attribute entry begins.
  • Affine Parameters
    • You get 32 affine parameter entries.
    • Each complete entry is four 16-bit values. These pseudo-fields are referred to as "pa", "pb", "pc", and "pd".
    • The parameters use the memory in between the object attribute memory entries described above. The the first pa is 6 bytes in from the start of OAM, then pb, pc, and pd are strided 8 bytes at a time from there, then the next affine parameter entry begins 8 bytes after that.

You cannot validly write a single byte to OAM. If you do so, the 8-bits are written to both the upper and lower 8-bits of the given 16-bit segment of memory. This isn't a big deal, since all the pseudo-fields of the stuff in OAM uses 16-bits anyway.

  • Size: 1kb
  • Wait states: 0
  • Bus Size: 32-bit
  • Read/Write: 16/32



There are 32 affine parameter entries.


Base address of the affine parameter pa fields.


Base address of the affine parameter pb fields.


Base address of the affine parameter pc fields.


Base address of the affine parameter pd fields.


Stride of each affine parameter entry.


Base address of the object attribute attr0 fields.


Base address of the object attribute attr1 fields.


Base address of the object attribute attr2 fields.


There are 128 object attribute entries.


Stride of each object attribute entry.



Index the affine parameters to a given entry.


Index the object attributes to a given entry.