Crate gazebo

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A collection of well-tested primitives that have been useful. Most modules stand alone.


  • Methods that build upon the Any trait.
  • Cast between types with no conversion.
  • Additions to the Ref mechanism.
  • Traits to help implementing dynamic comparisons.
  • A trait to represent zero-cost conversions.
  • Provides utilities to implement Display, which also provides an “alternate” display.
  • A cheap version of Clone.
  • File/IO operations.
  • Utilities for working with hashes.
  • Additional PhantomData related types.
  • Standard functions. Usually imported with use gazebo::prelude::*.
  • Operations working on Rust types.
  • Working with the variants of an enum.


  • Performs a chain of comparison operation expressions yielding std::cmp::Ordering, supporting early exit upon hitting the first expressions that doesn’t yield std::cmp::Ordering::Equal and returning the result of that. This is useful for easily writing a sequence of expressions necessary to yield a comparison result. The macro is expanded inplace, so any expressions dealing with Result types are allowed provided that the larger scope allows returning result.
  • Performs a chain of equals operation expressions yielding bool, supporting early exit upon hitting the first expressions that returns false and returning false. This is useful for easily writing a sequence of equals expressions necessary to yield a bool The macro is expanded inplace, so any expressions dealing with Result types are allowed provided that the larger scope allows returning result.
  • transmute!(from-type, to-type, value) will do a transmute, but the original and result types must be specified.


  • Causes Rust to exit the process when any panic occurs. An alternative is to compile your binary and all dependencies with -Cpanic=abort, which will provide similar behavior and smaller libraries.