Describes the blend state of a pipeline.
Descriptor for the creation of a buffer.
Error type for when buffer map requests are made to buffers which are already mapped.
Read-only slice over the range of a buffer.
Immutable memory mapped range of a buffer.
Mutable memory mapped range of a buffer.
Capabilities of a given context.
RGBA color value with components expressed as 32-bit floating point numbers.
Describes the color state of a render pipeline.
Color write mask. Disabled color channels will not be written to.
An instanced and successfully compiled compute shader object.
Re-export for the current version of Glow.
Descriptor used for the default framebuffer.
Describes the depth and stencil aspects in a render pipeline.
Normalized extension name.
Features of a given context.
An instanced and successfully compiled fragment shader object.
Describes the fragment process in a render pipeline.
Descriptor for a color attachment in a custom framebuffer.
Descriptor for a depth-stencil attachment in a custom framebuffer.
Descriptor for a new, custom framebuffer.
A buffer type that may be used for index storage.
Information on a context.
Inner shared structure of the buffer.
Limits on the amount of elements a given context supports.
Describes the state of primitive assembly and rasterization in a render pipeline.
Release information of an OpenGL implementation. This is the “version” part of the version string.
Descriptor for starting a new render pass.
Describes stencil state in a render pipeline.
If you are not using stencil state, set this to StencilState::IGNORE
Descriptor specifying all of the parameters for a newly created texture.
A buffer that that may be used for uniform block storage.
Version information of a context.
Description of a single vertex attribute.
A buffer type that may be used for vertex storage.
Description of the layout of a vertex buffer.
An instanced and successfully compiled vertex shader object.
Description of the vertex processing stage of a pipeline.
Specification of a viewport.
Alpha blend factor.
Alpha blend operation.
The operations that can be used to initialize the memory contents in the host-visible part of a mutable mapped buffer slice.
Usage classes for buffers. This helps optimize the usage of the buffers.
Comparison function used for depth and stencil operations.
Type of faces to be culled.
Errors that may occur during the parsing of an extension name.
Winding order which classifies the “front” face.
Data types an index may have.
Operation to be performed on the loading of an attachment.
Mipmap behavior of a texture.
Type of drawing modes for polygons.
Primitive type the input mesh is composed of.
Types of OpenGL implementation profile and their version numbers.
Source of a shader module.
Operation to perform on the stencil value.
Extents of a given texture in their given dimensional layout.
Filtering options for textures.
Formats textures are allowed to have.
Error type used when the context used to create [the Gavle device] is not supported by the library as a whole. This should only be the case for somewhat old contexts.
Number of components a vertex attribute may have.
Data types a vertex attribute may be of.
The trait that describes functionality shared between all buffer types.