Module garminfit::profile::types

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Generated for FIT SDK profile version: 20.66.00


seconds since UTC 00:00 Dec 31 1989; if date_time is < 0x10000000 then it is system time (seconds from device power on)
seconds since 00:00 Dec 31 1989 in local time zone; if date_time is < 0x10000000 then it is system time (seconds from device power on)
number of seconds into the day since local 00:00:00
number of seconds into the day since 00:00:00 UTC


Timeout in seconds.
fitness equipment event data
Bit field corresponding to language enum type (1 << language).
Bit field corresponding to sport enum type (1 << sport).
Bit field corresponding to sport enum type (1 << (sport-8)).
Bit field corresponding to sport enum type (1 << (sport-16)).
Bit field corresponding to sport enum type (1 << (sport-24)).
Bit field corresponding to sport enum type (1 << (sport-32)).
Bit field corresponding to sport enum type (1 << (sport-40)).
Bit field corresponding to sport enum type (1 << (sport-48)).
timer event data
0 - 100 indicates% of max hr; >100 indicates bpm (255 max) plus 100
0 - 1000 indicates % of functional threshold power; >1000 indicates watts plus 1000.