Expand description

gamercade_rs is a safe wrapper over the Gamercade Wasm Api.

The raw Api is filled with lots of unsafe calls and representation of various values as primitive types such as i32 containing boolean values.

The best way to get started is by importing the prelude via use gamercade_rs::prelude::*

You must only use these functions inside of the callbacks required by the Gamercade console. These functions are init(), update() and draw(). Calling these functions outside of the designated callbacks will likely cause a panic.

Learn more about the Gamercade Api from https://gamercade.io/docs/api-reference


The safe wrapper around the Gamercade Api, organized by primary function.
Re-exports the entire Api for convenience, that can be glob imported via use gamercade_rs::prelude::*.
The raw, unsafe Gamerade Api. It is recommended to only use this in extreme circumstances.