macro_rules! create_gal_wrapper_type {
    ( $(#[$attr:meta])* $v:vis struct $Type:ident ($Inner:ident<$lt:tt>); ) => { ... };
Expand description

Creates a wrapper type for a type with a single lifetime parameter lifting the lifetime to Bound.

The new type will have:

  • A safe new method accepting a instance of the wrapped type with a lifetime 'a and returns a Bound<'a, WrapperType>.
  • Impl for BoundExt incl, BoundExt::pre_drop (the wrapper doesn’t need a Drop impl.).
  • A get function which accept &Bound<'a, WrapperType> and returns a &WrappedType<'a>.
  • A get_mut function which accepts &mut Bound<'a, WrapperType> and returns a &mut WrappedType<'a>.
  • A into_inner function which accpets a Bound<'a, WrapperType> and returns a WrappedType<'a>.

Note that all the above functions are implemented on the wrapper type, i.e. you can’t be generic over them (at last not without generic associated lifetimes).


See module level documentation.