Crate galacta_logger[][src]

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Simple logger crate


You can use logger without any initialization. You may set “G_LOG_LEVEL” environment variable by LevelFilter value.

/// These are logs without specified target or initializations(recommended)
use galacta_logger::{self,prelude::*};
gerror!("This is errror");
gwarn!("This is warning");
ginfo!("This is info");
gdebug!("This is debug");
gtrace!("This is trace");

You also can use logger with initialization.

use galacta_logger::{self,GalactaLogger,LevelFilter,prelude::*};
/// First initialize logger.
/// You may set "G_LOG_LEVEL" environment variable by [`LevelFilter`] value.
/// If environment variable is set, argument of init function will be ignored

/// These are logs with specified target(unrecommended)
error!("This is errror");
warn!(target: "target","This is warning");
info!("This is info");
debug!("This is debug");
trace!("This is trace");


prerule include macros.


macro for invoke debug level log without initialization and target

macro for invoke debug error log without initialization and target

macro for invoke info level log without initialization and target

macro for invoke trace level log without initialization and target

macro for invoke warn level log without initialization and target


Logger structure


Enum for setting max level of log