pub trait ScriptTrait: BaseScript {
    fn id(&self) -> Uuid;
    fn plugin_uuid(&self) -> Uuid;

    fn on_property_changed(&mut self, args: &PropertyChanged) -> bool { ... }
    fn on_init(&mut self, context: ScriptContext<'_, '_, '_>) { ... }
    fn on_os_event(
        &mut self,
        event: &Event<'_, ()>,
        context: ScriptContext<'_, '_, '_>
    ) { ... } fn on_update(&mut self, context: ScriptContext<'_, '_, '_>) { ... } fn remap_handles(
        &mut self,
        old_new_mapping: &FxHashMap<Handle<Node>, Handle<Node>>
    ) { ... } fn restore_resources(&mut self, resource_manager: ResourceManager) { ... } }

Required Methods

Script instance type UUID. The value will be used for serialization, to write type identifier to a data source so the engine can restore the script from data source.

Important notes

Do not use Uuid::new_v4 or any other Uuid methods that generates ids, ids generated using these methods are random and are not suitable for serialization!


All you need to do in the method is to return Self::type_uuid.

use std::str::FromStr;
use fyrox::{
    core::inspect::{Inspect, PropertyInfo},

#[derive(Inspect, Visit, Debug, Clone)]
struct MyScript { }

// Implement TypeUuidProvider trait that will return type uuid of the type.
// Every script must implement the trait so the script can be registered in
// serialization context of the engine.
impl TypeUuidProvider for MyScript {
    fn type_uuid() -> Uuid {
        // Use https://www.uuidgenerator.net/ to generate new UUID.

impl ScriptTrait for MyScript {
    fn id(&self) -> Uuid {


Returns parent plugin UUID. It is used to find respective plugin when processing scripts. The engine makes an attempt to find a plugin by comparing type uuids and if one found, it is passed on ScriptContext.

Provided Methods

Mutates the state of the script according to the PropertyChanged info. It is invoked from the editor when user changes property of the script from the inspector.


Why the editor cannot mutate variable for me so I don’t need to do it by hand? The answer is pretty simple - UI system does not know anything about your object, it uses its own data model, the only thing it could do is to indicate that some value was changed so you can react to it.

Return value

The return value of the method indicates whether the change was applied to the script data or not. If nothing changed (the return value was false) the editor will give you a diagnostic message that the change in Inspector had no effect and probably a property handler is missing.

Important notes

Works only in editor mode.

use fyrox::gui::inspector::{PropertyChanged, FieldKind};
use fyrox::script::ScriptTrait;
use fyrox::core::uuid::Uuid;
use fyrox::core::inspect::{Inspect, PropertyInfo};
use fyrox::core::visitor::prelude::*;

#[derive(Inspect, Visit, Debug, Clone)]
struct MyScript {
    foo: f32,
    bar: String,

// Some functions are intentionally omitted.

impl ScriptTrait for MyScript {
    fn on_property_changed(&mut self, args: &PropertyChanged) -> bool {
        if let FieldKind::Object(ref value) = args.value {
            return match args.name.as_ref() {
                Self::FOO => value.try_override(&mut self.foo),
                Self::BAR => value.try_override(&mut self.bar),
                _ => false

        // Nothing changed, in this case the editor will give you a diagnostic message
        // that the change in Inspector had no effect and probably property handler is
        // missing.

    // ...


Called on parent scene initialization. It is guaranteed to be called once, and before any other method of the script.

Editor-specific infomation

In the editor, the method will be called on entering the play mode.

Called when there is an event from the OS. The method allows you to “listen” for events coming from the main window of your game (or the editor if the game running inside the editor.

Editor-specific information

When the game running inside the editor, every event related to position/size changes will be modified to have position/size of the preview frame of the editor, not the main window. For end user this means that the game will function as if it was run in standalone mode.

Performs a single update tick of the script. The method may be called multiple times per frame, but it is guaranteed that the rate of call is stable and usually it will be called 60 times per second (this may change in future releases).

Editor-specific information

Does not work in editor mode, works only in play mode.

Called right after the parent node was copied, giving you the ability to remap handles to nodes stored inside of your script.


Imagine that you have a character controller script that contains handles to some other nodes in the scene, for example a collider. When you copy the node with the script, you want the copy to contain references to respective copies, not the original objects. The method allows you to do exactly this.

Allows you to restore resources after deserialization.


Some scripts may store resources “handles” (for example a texture or a 3d model), when the handle is saved, only path to resource is saved. When you loading a save, you must ask resource manager to restore handles.
