Module fwatcher::cli [] [src]


fwatcher is implemented by rust language, so you need cargo command:

cargo install fwatcher

fwatcher will be installed in your cargo binary directory(~/.cargo/bin/).


fwarcher can be use as a command:

$ fwatcher -h
    fwatcher [options] CMD

    -h, --help          Display this message
    -v, --version       Print version info
    -r, --restart       Auto restart command, default to false
    -d, --directory <dir>
                        Watch directory, default to current directory
    -p, --pattern <pattern>
                        Watch file glob pattern, default to "*"
    -P, --exclude_pattern <exclude_pattern>
                        Watch file glob pattern exclusively, default null
    -i, --interval <second>
                        Interval in seconds to scan filesystem, default to 1

For example to search recursively for python files in the current directory and run pytest when a file is updated:

fwatcher -p "**/*.py" pytest --maxfail=2

you can also use more than one directory/pattern option:

fwatcher -d src -d test -p "**/*.py" -p "**/*.html" pytest --maxfail=2

The --restart option kills the command if it's still running when a filesystem change happens. Can be used to restart locally running webservers on updates, or kill long running tests and restart on updates:

fwatcher -d src -p "**/*.py" --restart run_forever_cmd