Macro fvm_sdk::fvm_syscalls

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macro_rules! fvm_syscalls {
    (module = $module:literal; $(#[$attrs:meta])* $v:vis fn $name:ident($($args:ident : $args_ty:ty),*$(,)?) -> Result<()>; $($rest:tt)*) => { ... };
    (module = $module:literal; $(#[$attrs:meta])* $v:vis fn $name:ident($($args:ident : $args_ty:ty),*$(,)?) -> Result<$ret:ty>; $($rest:tt)*) => { ... };
    (module = $module:literal; $(#[$attrs:meta])* $v:vis fn $name:ident($($args:ident : $args_ty:ty),*$(,)?) -> !; $($rest:tt)*) => { ... };
    (module = $module:literal;) => { ... };
Expand description

Generate a set of FVM syscall shims.

fvm_sdk::sys::fvm_syscalls! {
    module = "my_wasm_module";

    /// This method will translate to a syscall with the signature:
    ///     fn(arg: u64) -> u32;
    /// Where the returned u32 is the status code.
    pub fn returns_nothing(arg: u64) -> Result<()>;

    /// This method will translate to a syscall with the signature:
    ///     fn(out: u32, arg: u32) -> u32;
    /// Where `out` is a pointer to where the return value will be written and the returned u32
    /// is the status code.
    pub fn returns_value(arg: u64) -> Result<u64>;

    /// This method will translate to a syscall with the signature:
    ///     fn(arg: u32) -> u32;
    /// But it will panic if this function returns.
    pub fn aborts(arg: u32) -> !;