
pub use serde_bytes;


Generic data structure deserialization framework.

Generic data structure serialization framework.


Wrapper for deserializing array of 32 Bytes.

Wrapper for deserializing dynamic sized Bytes.

Wrapper for serializing slice of bytes.

Error type for encoding and decoding data through any Forest supported protocol.

Helper visitor to match Go’s default behaviour of serializing uninitialized slices as null. This will be able to deserialize null as empty Vectors of the type.

Raw serialized cbor bytes. This data is (de)serialized as a byte string.


CodecProtocol defines the protocol in which the data is encoded or decoded



Cbor utility functions for serializable objects

Wrapper for database to handle inserting and retrieving ipld data with Cids


Decode a value from CBOR from the given reader.

Decode a value from CBOR from the given slice.

Serializes a value to a vector.

Encode a value as CBOR to the given writer.