fvm_integration_tests 0.1.0

Filecoin Virtual Machine integration tests framework
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Integration test module

This directory contains tooling to run integration test over the FVM.

Framework components

The bulk of the logic is handled by the Tester struct.

The following flow has been defined as a default usage:

  1. Instantiate a new Tester specifying accessible accounts, the network and state tree versions.
  2. (Repeat) Set new actor states and deploy given actor in the stand alone Blockstore and StateTree.
  3. Interact with previously deployed actors by calling the execute() function.

Note: Once the execute() is called new actors have to be instantiated with messages as the Machine and Executor are already instantiated

  1. Make assertion on the ApplyRet of the message

Current limitations

  1. Wasm bytecode is now expected to be received through a binary type (&[u8]). This be upgraded to work Rust module compiled at test time.
  2. Some testing and examples should be added to demonstrate how the framework works.