[][src]Function fuzzyhash::fuzzyhash

#[no_mangle]pub unsafe extern "C" fn fuzzyhash(buf: *const u8, length: usize) -> *mut c_char

Returns the fuzzy hash of arbitrary data. This method provides better FFI compatibility.


  • buf - a pointer to the array containing the data to hash
  • length - length of buf


This is function is unsafe as it is intended to read a string from FFI


use fuzzyhash::{fuzzyhash};
use std::ffi::CString;

let data = "this is our test data!".to_string();
let hash = unsafe { CString::from_raw(fuzzyhash(data.as_bytes().as_ptr(), data.len())) };
let hash = hash.into_string().unwrap();
println!("Fuzzy Hash: {}", hash);
assert_eq!(hash, "3:YKKGhR0tn:YRGRmn");