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Types implementing the Serializer trait.

There are currently three implementations:

  • SerdeSerializer uses the serde and serde_json crate to serialize the test inputs (of arbitrary Serializable type) to a .json file.

  • ByteSerializer encodes and decodes values of type Vec<u8> by simply copy/pasting the bytes from/to the files. The extension is customizable.

  • StringSerializer encodes and decodes values of any type implementing FromStr and ToString into utf-8 encoded text files.


A Serializer for Vec<u8> that simply copies the bytes from/to the files.


A serializer that uses serde and serde_json to serialize the test inputs (of arbitrary type T: Serializable + for<'e> Deserializable<'e>) to a json file.

A serializer that encodes and decodes values of any type implementing FromStr and ToString into utf-8 encoded text files.