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Types implementing the Sensor and Pool traits.


Each pool has an associated Stats type. They’re not very interesting, but I don’t want to completely hide them, so I have gathered them here.


A Sensor that records the allocations made by the test function.

A pool that combines two pools

A sensor that combines two sensors

Combines two SensorAndPool trait objects into one.

A sensor that automatically records the code coverage of the program through an array of counters.

A global allocator that counts the total number of allocations as well as the total number of allocated bytes.

Marker type used by AndPool to signal that each sub-pool works is compatible with different observations.

A pool that tries to find test cases maximizing the value of each counter of a sensor.

A pool that finds a single test case maximising a value given by a sensor.

A pool that tries to find N test cases which, combined, activate the most counters of a sensor

A sensor that does nothing.

Marker type used by AndPool to signal that all sub-pools are compatible with the same observations.

A pool that tries to find a minimal test case activating each sensor counter.

A custom sensor whose observations are given by a mutable static value.

A type describing a test failure.

A pool that saves failing test cases.

A sensor that records test failures.

A pool that stores an input for each different value of each sensor counter

A pool that stores only one given test case.


A trait for convenience methods automatically implemented for all types that conform to Pool.

A trait for convenience methods automatically implemented for all types that conform to Sensor.