Macro futuresdr::macros::connect

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connect!() { /* proc-macro */ }
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Avoid boilerplate when setting up the flowgraph.

This macro simplifies adding blocks to the flowgraph and connecting them. Assume you have created a flowgraph fg and several blocks (src, shift, …) and need to add the block to the flowgraph and connect them. Using the connect! macro, this can be done with:

    src.out >;
    shift > resamp1 > demod;
    demod > resamp2 > snk;

It generates the following code:

// Add all the blocks to the `Flowgraph`...
let src = fg.add_block(src);
let shift = fg.add_block(shift);
let resamp1 = fg.add_block(resamp1);
let demod = fg.add_block(demod);
let resamp2 = fg.add_block(resamp2);
let snk = fg.add_block(snk);

// ... and connect the ports appropriately
fg.connect_stream(src, "out", shift, "in")?;
fg.connect_stream(shift, "out", resamp1, "in")?;
fg.connect_stream(resamp1, "out", demod, "in")?;
fg.connect_stream(demod, "out", resamp2, "in")?;
fg.connect_stream(resamp2, "out", snk, "in")?;

Connections endpoints are defined by block.port_name. Standard names (i.e., out/in) can be omitted. When ports have different name than standard in and out, one can use following notation.

Stream connections are indicated as >, while message connections are indicated as |.

If a block uses non-standard port names it is possible to use triples, e.g.:

connect!(fg, src > > snk);

It is possible to add blocks that have no connections by just putting them on a line separately.

connect!(fg, dummy);

Port names with spaces have to be quoted.

    src."out port" > snk

Custom bufers for stream connections can be added by subsituding > with [...] notation, e.g.:

connect!(fg, src [Slab::new()] snk);