initSidebarItems({"enum":[["MergedItem","An item returned from a merge stream, which represents an item from one or both of the underlying streams."]],"fn":[["channel","Creates an in-memory channel implementation of the `Stream` trait."],["iter","Converts an `Iterator` into a `Stream` which is always ready to yield the next value."]],"struct":[["AndThen","A stream combinator which chains a computation onto values produced by a stream."],["Buffered","An adaptor for a stream of futures to execute the futures concurrently, if possible."],["Collect","A future which collects all of the values of a stream into a vector."],["Filter","A stream combinator used to filter the results of a stream and only yield some values."],["FilterMap","A combinator used to filter the results of a stream and simultaneously map them to a different type."],["Flatten","A combinator used to flatten a stream-of-streams into one long stream of elements."],["Fold","A future used to collect all the results of a stream into one generic type."],["ForEach","A stream combinator which executes a unit closure over each item on a stream."],["Fuse","A stream which \"fuse\"s a stream once it's terminated."],["IterStream","A stream which is just a shim over an underlying instance of `Iterator`."],["Map","A stream combinator which will change the type of a stream from one type to another."],["MapErr","A stream combinator which will change the error type of a stream from one type to another."],["Merge","An adapter for merging the output of two streams."],["OrElse","A stream combinator which chains a computation onto errors produced by a stream."],["Receiver","The receiving end of a channel which implements the `Stream` trait."],["Sender","The transmission end of a channel which is used to send values."],["Skip","A stream combinator which skips a number of elements before continuing."],["SkipWhile","A stream combinator which skips elements of a stream while a predicate holds."],["StreamFuture","A combinator used to temporarily convert a stream into a future."],["Take","A stream combinator which returns a maximum number of elements."],["Then","A stream combinator which chains a computation onto each item produced by a stream."]],"trait":[["Stream","A stream of values, not all of which have been produced yet."]]});