Trait futures::Future [] [src]

pub trait Future: Send + 'static {
    type Item: Send + 'static;
    type Error: Send + 'static;
    fn poll(&mut self, task: &mut Task) -> Poll<Self::Item, Self::Error>;
    fn schedule(&mut self, task: &mut Task);

    fn tailcall(&mut self) -> Option<Box<Future<Item=Self::Item, Error=Self::Error>>> { ... }
    fn boxed(self) -> Box<Future<Item=Self::Item, Error=Self::Error>> where Self: Sized { ... }
    fn map<F, U>(self, f: F) -> Map<Self, F> where F: FnOnce(Self::Item) -> U + Send + 'static, U: Send + 'static, Self: Sized { ... }
    fn map_err<F, E>(self, f: F) -> MapErr<Self, F> where F: FnOnce(Self::Error) -> E + Send + 'static, E: Send + 'static, Self: Sized { ... }
    fn then<F, B>(self, f: F) -> Then<Self, B, F> where F: FnOnce(Result<Self::Item, Self::Error>) -> B + Send + 'static, B: IntoFuture, Self: Sized { ... }
    fn and_then<F, B>(self, f: F) -> AndThen<Self, B, F> where F: FnOnce(Self::Item) -> B + Send + 'static, B: IntoFuture<Error=Self::Error>, Self: Sized { ... }
    fn or_else<F, B>(self, f: F) -> OrElse<Self, B, F> where F: FnOnce(Self::Error) -> B + Send + 'static, B: IntoFuture<Item=Self::Item>, Self: Sized { ... }
    fn select<B>(self, other: B) -> Select<Self, B::Future> where B: IntoFuture<Item=Self::Item, Error=Self::Error>, Self: Sized { ... }
    fn join<B>(self, other: B) -> Join<Self, B::Future> where B: IntoFuture<Error=Self::Error>, Self: Sized { ... }
    fn flatten(self) -> Flatten<Self> where Self::Item: IntoFuture, Self::Item::Error: From<Self::Error>, Self: Sized { ... }
    fn fuse(self) -> Fuse<Self> where Self: Sized { ... }
    fn forget(self) where Self: Sized { ... }

Trait for types which represent a placeholder of a value that will become available at possible some later point in time.

Futures are used to provide a sentinel through which a value can be referenced. They crucially allow chaining operations through consumption which allows expressing entire trees of computation as one sentinel value.

The ergonomics and implementation of the Future trait are very similar to the Iterator trait in Rust which is where there is a small handful of methods to implement and a load of default methods that consume a Future, producing a new value.

Core methods

The core methods of futures, currently poll, schedule, and tailcall, are not intended to be called in general. These are used to drive an entire task of many futures composed together only from the top level.

More documentation can be found on each method about what its purpose is, but in general all of the combinators are the main methods that should be used.


Like iterators, futures provide a large number of combinators to work with futures to express computations in a much more natural method than scheduling a number of callbacks. For example the map method can change a Future<Item=T> to a Future<Item=U> or an and_then combinator could create a future after the first one is done and only be resolved when the second is done.

Combinators act very similarly to the methods on the Iterator trait itself or those on Option and Result. Like with iterators, the combinators are zero-cost and don't impose any extra layers of indirection you wouldn't otherwise have to write down.

Associated Types

type Item: Send + 'static

The type of value that this future will resolved with if it is successful.

type Error: Send + 'static

The type of error that this future will resolve with if it fails in a normal fashion.

Futures may also fail due to panics or cancellation, but that is expressed through the PollError type, not this type.

Required Methods

fn poll(&mut self, task: &mut Task) -> Poll<Self::Item, Self::Error>

Query this future to see if its value has become available.

This function will check the internal state of the future and assess whether the value is ready to be produced. Implementors of this function should ensure that a call to this never blocks as event loops may not work properly otherwise.

Callers of this function must provide the "task" in which the future is running through the task argument. This task contains information like task-local variables which the future may have stored references to internally.

Return value

This function returns Poll::NotReady if the future is not ready yet, or Poll::{Ok,Err} with the result of this future if it's ready. Once a future has returned Some it is considered a contract error to continue polling it.


Once a future has completed (returned Poll::{Ok, Err} from poll), then any future calls to poll may panic, block forever, or otherwise cause wrong behavior. The Future trait itself provides no guarantees about the behavior of poll after Some has been returned at least once.

Callers who may call poll too many times may want to consider using the fuse adaptor which defines the behavior of poll, but comes with a little bit of extra cost.


This future may have failed to finish the computation, in which case the Poll::Err variant will be returned with an appropriate payload of an error.

fn schedule(&mut self, task: &mut Task)

Schedule a task to be notified when this future is ready.

Throughout the lifetime of a future it may frequently be poll'd on to test whether the value is ready yet. If None is returned, however, the caller may then register interest via this function to get a notification when the future can indeed make progress.

The task argument provided is the same task as provided to poll, and it's the overall task which is driving this future. The task will be notified through the TaskHandle type generated from the handle method, and spurious notifications are allowed. That is, it's ok for a notification to be received which when the future is poll'd it still isn't complete.

Implementors of the Future trait are recommended to just blindly pass around this task rather than attempt to manufacture new tasks.

When the task is notified it will be provided a set of tokens that represent the set of events which have happened since it was last called (or the last call to poll). These events can then be used by the task to later inform poll calls to not poll too much.

Multiple calls to schedule

This function cannot be used to queue up multiple tasks to be notified when a future is ready to make progress. Only the most recent call to schedule is guaranteed to have notifications received when schedule is called multiple times.

If this function is called twice, it may be the case that the previous task is never notified. It is recommended that this function is called with the same task for the entire lifetime of this future.


Once a future has returned Some (it's been completed) then future calls to either poll or this function, schedule, should not be expected to behave well. A call to schedule after a poll has succeeded may panic, block forever, or otherwise exhibit odd behavior.

Callers who may call schedule after a future is finished may want to consider using the fuse adaptor which defines the behavior of schedule after a successful poll, but comes with a little bit of extra cost.

Provided Methods

fn tailcall(&mut self) -> Option<Box<Future<Item=Self::Item, Error=Self::Error>>>

Perform tail-call optimization on this future.

A particular future may actually represent a large tree of computation, the structure of which can be optimized periodically after some of the work has completed. This function is intended to be called after an unsuccessful poll to ensure that the computation graph of a future remains at a reasonable size.

This function is intended to be idempotent. If None is returned then the internal structure may have been optimized, but this future itself must stick around to represent the computation at hand.

If Some is returned then the returned future will be realized with the same value that this future would have been had this method not been called. Essentially, if Some is returned, then this future can be forgotten and instead the returned value is used.

Note that this is a default method which returns None, but any future adaptor should implement it to flatten the underlying future, if any.

fn boxed(self) -> Box<Future<Item=Self::Item, Error=Self::Error>> where Self: Sized

Convenience function for turning this future into a trait object.

This simply avoids the need to write Box::new and can often help with type inference as well by always returning a trait object.


use futures::*;

let a: Box<Future<Item=i32, Error=i32>> = done(Ok(1)).boxed();

fn map<F, U>(self, f: F) -> Map<Self, F> where F: FnOnce(Self::Item) -> U + Send + 'static, U: Send + 'static, Self: Sized

Map this future's result to a different type, returning a new future of the resulting type.

This function is similar to the Option::map or Iterator::map where it will change the type of the underlying future. This is useful to chain along a computation once a future has been resolved.

The closure provided will only be called if this future is resolved successfully. If this future returns an error, panics, or is canceled, then the closure provided will never be invoked.

Note that this function consumes the receiving future and returns a wrapped version of it, similar to the existing map methods in the standard library.


use futures::*;

let future_of_1 = finished::<u32, u32>(1);
let future_of_4 =|x| x + 3);

fn map_err<F, E>(self, f: F) -> MapErr<Self, F> where F: FnOnce(Self::Error) -> E + Send + 'static, E: Send + 'static, Self: Sized

Map this future's error to a different error, returning a new future.

This function is similar to the Result::map_err where it will change the error type of the underlying future. This is useful for example to ensure that futures have the same error type when used with combinators like select and join.

The closure provided will only be called if this future is resolved with an error. If this future returns a success, panics, or is canceled, then the closure provided will never be invoked.

Note that this function consumes the receiving future and returns a wrapped version of it.


use futures::*;

let future_of_err_1 = failed::<u32, u32>(1);
let future_of_err_4 = future_of_err_1.map_err(|x| x + 3);

fn then<F, B>(self, f: F) -> Then<Self, B, F> where F: FnOnce(Result<Self::Item, Self::Error>) -> B + Send + 'static, B: IntoFuture, Self: Sized

Chain on a computation for when a future finished, passing the result of the future to the provided closure f.

This function can be used to ensure a computation runs regardless of the conclusion of the future. The closure provided will be yielded a Result once the future is complete.

The returned value of the closure must implement the IntoFuture trait and can represent some more work to be done before the composed future is finished. Note that the Result type implements the IntoFuture trait so it is possible to simply alter the Result yielded to the closure and return it.

If this future is canceled or panics then the closure f will not be run.

Note that this function consumes the receiving future and returns a wrapped version of it.


use futures::*;

let future_of_1 = finished::<u32, u32>(1);
let future_of_4 = future_of_1.then(|x| {|y| y + 3)

let future_of_err_1 = failed::<u32, u32>(1);
let future_of_4 = future_of_err_1.then(|x| {
    match x {
        Ok(_) => panic!("expected an error"),
        Err(y) => finished::<u32, u32>(y + 3),

fn and_then<F, B>(self, f: F) -> AndThen<Self, B, F> where F: FnOnce(Self::Item) -> B + Send + 'static, B: IntoFuture<Error=Self::Error>, Self: Sized

Execute another future after this one has resolved successfully.

This function can be used to chain two futures together and ensure that the final future isn't resolved until both have finished. The closure provided is yielded the successful result of this future and returns another value which can be converted into a future.

Note that because Result implements the IntoFuture trait this method can also be useful for chaining fallible and serial computations onto the end of one future.

If this future is canceled, panics, or completes with an error then the provided closure f is never called.

Note that this function consumes the receiving future and returns a wrapped version of it.


use futures::*;

let future_of_1 = finished::<u32, u32>(1);
let future_of_4 = future_of_1.and_then(|x| {
    Ok(x + 3)

let future_of_err_1 = failed::<u32, u32>(1);
future_of_err_1.and_then(|_| -> Done<u32, u32> {
    panic!("should not be called in case of an error");

fn or_else<F, B>(self, f: F) -> OrElse<Self, B, F> where F: FnOnce(Self::Error) -> B + Send + 'static, B: IntoFuture<Item=Self::Item>, Self: Sized

Execute another future after this one has resolved with an error.

This function can be used to chain two futures together and ensure that the final future isn't resolved until both have finished. The closure provided is yielded the error of this future and returns another value which can be converted into a future.

Note that because Result implements the IntoFuture trait this method can also be useful for chaining fallible and serial computations onto the end of one future.

If this future is canceled, panics, or completes successfully then the provided closure f is never called.

Note that this function consumes the receiving future and returns a wrapped version of it.


use futures::*;

let future_of_err_1 = failed::<u32, u32>(1);
let future_of_4 = future_of_err_1.or_else(|x| -> Result<u32, u32> {
    Ok(x + 3)

let future_of_1 = finished::<u32, u32>(1);
future_of_1.or_else(|_| -> Done<u32, u32> {
    panic!("should not be called in case of success");

fn select<B>(self, other: B) -> Select<Self, B::Future> where B: IntoFuture<Item=Self::Item, Error=Self::Error>, Self: Sized

Waits for either one of two futures to complete.

This function will return a new future which awaits for either this or the other future to complete. The returned future will finish with both the value resolved and a future representing the completion of the other work. Both futures must have the same item and error type.

If either future is canceled or panics, the other is canceled and the original error is propagated upwards.

Note that this function consumes the receiving future and returns a wrapped version of it.


use futures::*;

// A poor-man's join implemented on top of select

fn join<A>(a: A, b: A)
           -> Box<Future<Item=(A::Item, A::Item), Error=A::Error>>
    where A: Future,
{|res| {
        match res {
            Ok((a, b)) =>|b| (a, b)).boxed(),
            Err((a, _)) => failed(a).boxed(),

fn join<B>(self, other: B) -> Join<Self, B::Future> where B: IntoFuture<Error=Self::Error>, Self: Sized

Joins the result of two futures, waiting for them both to complete.

This function will return a new future which awaits both this and the other future to complete. The returned future will finish with a tuple of both results.

Both futures must have the same error type, and if either finishes with an error then the other will be canceled and that error will be returned.

If either future is canceled or panics, the other is canceled and the original error is propagated upwards.

Note that this function consumes the receiving future and returns a wrapped version of it.


use futures::*;

let a = finished::<u32, u32>(1);
let b = finished::<u32, u32>(2);
let pair = a.join(b);|(a, b)| {
    assert_eq!(a, 1);
    assert_eq!(b, 1);

fn flatten(self) -> Flatten<Self> where Self::Item: IntoFuture, Self::Item::Error: From<Self::Error>, Self: Sized

Flatten the execution of this future when the successful result of this future is itself another future.

This can be useful when combining futures together to flatten the computation out the the final result. This method can only be called when the successful result of this future itself implements the IntoFuture trait and the error can be created from this future's error type.

This method is equivalent to self.then(|x| x).

Note that this function consumes the receiving future and returns a wrapped version of it.


use futures::*;

let future_of_a_future = finished::<_, u32>(finished::<u32, u32>(1));
let future_of_1 = future_of_a_future.flatten();

fn fuse(self) -> Fuse<Self> where Self: Sized

Fuse a future such that poll will never again be called once it has returned a success.

Currently once a future has returned Some from poll any further calls could exhibit bad behavior such as block forever, panic, never return, etc. If it is known that poll may be called too often then this method can be used to ensure that it has defined semantics.

Once a future has been fused and it returns success from poll, then it will forever return None from poll again (never resolve). This, unlike the trait's poll method, is guaranteed.

Additionally, once a future has completed, this Fuse combinator will ensure that all registered callbacks will not be registered with the underlying future.


use futures::*;

let mut task = Task::new();
let mut future = finished::<i32, u32>(2);
assert!(future.poll(&mut task).is_ready());

// Normally, a call such as this would panic:
//future.poll(&mut task);

// This, however, is guaranteed to not panic
let mut future = finished::<i32, u32>(2).fuse();
assert!(future.poll(&mut task).is_ready());
assert!(future.poll(&mut task).is_not_ready());

fn forget(self) where Self: Sized

Consume this future and allow it to execute without cancelling it.

Normally whenever a future is dropped it signals that the underlying computation should be cancelled ASAP. This function, however, will consume the future and arrange for the future itself to get dropped only when the computation has completed.

This function can be useful to ensure that futures with side effects can run "in the background", but it is discouraged as it doesn't allow any control over the future in terms of cancellation.

Generally applications should retain handles on futures to ensure they're properly cleaned up if something unexpected happens.
