[][src]Module fungus::sys::user



Returns the full path to the current user's cache directory. Where user-specific non-essential (cached) data should be written (analogous to /var/cache). Defaults to $HOME/.cache.


Returns the full path to the current user's config directory. Where user-specific configurations should be written (analogous to /etc). Defaults to $HOME/.config.


Returns the current user's config directories. List of directories seperated by : (analogous to PATH). Defaults to /etc/xdg


Returns the full path to the current user's data directory. Where user-specific data files should be written (analogous to /usr/share). Defaults to $HOME/.local/share


Returns the current user's data directories. List of directories seperated by : (analogous to PATH). Defaults to /usr/local/share:/usr/share.


Returns the full path to the current user's home directory.


Returns the current user's path directories. List of directories seperated by :


Returns the full path to the current user's runtime directory. Used for non-essential, user-specific data files such as sockets, named pipes, etc. Must be owned by the user with an access mode of 0700. Filesystem fully featured by standards of OS. Must be on the local filesystem. May be subject to periodic cleanup. Modified every 6 hours or set sticky bit if persistence is desired. Can only exist for the duration of the user's login. Should not store large files as it may be mounted as a tmpfs.


Returns the full path to a newly created directory in /tmp that can be used for temporary work. The returned path will be checked for uniqueness and created with a random suffix and the given prefix. It is up to the calling code to ensure the directory returned is properly cleaned up when done with.