Macro fungi_lang::fgi_index [] [src]

macro_rules! fgi_index {
    { fromast $ast:expr } => { ... };
    { ($($i:tt)+) } => { ... };
    { {$($nmtm:tt)+} } => { ... };
    { 0 } => { ... };
    { $x:tt * $y:tt } => { ... };
    { $x:tt % $y:tt } => { ... };
    { $x:tt % $y:tt $($more:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { $x:tt U $y:tt } => { ... };
    { $x:tt U $y:tt $($more:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { () } => { ... };
    { ($i:tt,$j:tt) } => { ... };
    { prj1 $($i:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { prj2 $($i:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { # $a:ident : $sort:tt . $($body:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { {$($i:tt)+} $par:tt } => { ... };
    { {$($i:tt)+} $par:tt $($pars:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { [$($m:tt)+] $($par:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { ($($i:tt)+)* $($j:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { ($($i:tt)+) $($par:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { $var:ident } => { ... };
    { $($any:tt)* } => { ... };

Parser for Index Terms

i,j,X,Y ::=
    fromast ast (inject ast nodes)
    (i)         (parens)
    {N}         (singleton name set)
    0           (empty set)
    X % Y ...   (separating union extended - left to right)
    X U Y ...   (union extended - left to right)
    X * Y       (pair-wise name combination of two sets)
    ()          (unit)
    (i,j)       (pairing)
    prj1 i      (projection)
    prj2 i      (projection)
    #a:g.i      (abstraction)
    {i} j ...   (curried application)
    [M] j       (mapping)
    (i) j       (flatmapping)
    (i)* j      (iterated flatmapping)
    a           (variable)