[][src]Macro fumio_utils::local_dl_list

macro_rules! local_dl_list {
    (mod $($tt:tt)*) => { ... };
    (pub mod $($tt:tt)*) => { ... };
    (pub(crate) mod $($tt:tt)*) => { ... };

Create a "link" and "head" datatype for a non thread-safe double linked list; the "link" type must be used in a data structure as member.

The list itself doesn't manage any ownership / reference counts, which is why most modifications are unsafe, and returned nodes are raw pointers.


fn main() {
    mod example {
        fumio_utils::local_dl_list! {
            pub mod ex1 {
                link TestLink;
                head TestHead;
                member link of Test;
        pub struct Test {
            link: TestLink,
            pub value: usize,
        impl Test {
            pub fn new(value: usize) -> Self {
                Test {
                    link: TestLink::new(),
    use example::*;
    let head = TestHead::new();
    let node1 = Test::new(1);
    let node2 = Test::new(2);
    unsafe {
        assert_eq!( { &*head.pop_front().unwrap() }.value, 1);
        assert_eq!( { &*head.pop_front().unwrap() }.value, 2);