Expand description

Contains the types necessary to parse Roblox’s typed Lua. Only usable when the “roblox” feature flag is enabled.


A Compound Assignment statement, such as x += 1 or x -= 1

An elseif expression in a bigger IfExpression expression

An exported type declaration, such as export type Meters = number

The generics used in a TypeDeclaration.

A generic declaration parameter us in GenericDeclaration. Consists of a GenericParameterInfo and an optional default type.

An if statement

A type argument specified in a callback type, the count: number in (count: number) -> ()

A type assertion using ::, such as :: number.

A type declaration, such as type Meters = number

A type field used within table types. The foo: number in { foo: number }.

A type specifier, the : number in local foo: number


Compound operators, such as X += Y or X -= Y

A generic declaration parameter used in GenericDeclaration. Can either be a name or a variadic pack.

A subset of TypeInfo that consists of items which can only be used as an index, such as Foo and Foo<Bar>,

A key in a TypeField. Can either be a name or an index signature.

Any type, such as string, boolean?, number | boolean, etc.