[][src]Module fui::cursive::theme

Handle colors and themes in the UI.


Characters can be printed in the terminal with a specific color. The Color enum represents the ways this can be set.


To achieve a customizable, yet unified look, Cursive uses a configurable palette of colors to be used through the entire application.

The PaletteColor enum defines possible entries in this palette.

These entries are:

  • Background: used to color the application background (around views). Defaults to blue.
  • Shadow: used to color shadow around views. Defaults to black.
  • View: used to color the background for views. Defaults to white.
  • Primary: used to print primary text. Defaults to black.
  • Secondary: used to print secondary text. Defaults to blue.
  • Tertiary: used to print tertiary text. Defaults to white.
  • TitlePrimary: used to print primary titles. Defaults to red.
  • TitleSecondary: used to print secondary titles. Defaults to yellow.
  • Highlight: used to highlight selected items. Defaults to red.
  • HighlightInactive: used to highlight selected but inactive items. Defaults to blue.

A Palette then maps each of these to an actual Color.

Color Types

When drawing views, color can be picked in two way:

  • An exact Color can be given directly
  • A PaletteColor entry can be given, which will fetch whatever color is currently defined for this.

The ColorType enum abstract over these two choices.

Color Styles

To actually print anything, two colors must be picked: one for the foreground, and one for the background.

As such, a ColorStyle is made of a pair of ColorType.

Since some pairs are frequently used, ColorStyle defines some methods to create these usual values:

  • ColorStyle::background(): style used to print the application background.
    • Its background color is Background.
    • Its foreground color is unimportant as no characters are ever printed in the background.
  • ColorStyle::shadow(): style used to print shadows behind views.
    • Its background color is Shadow.
    • Here again, the foreground color is unimportant.
  • ColorStyle::primary(): style used to print primary text.
    • Its background color is View.
    • Its foreground color is Primary.
  • ColorStyle::secondary(): style used to print secondary text.
    • Its background color is View.
    • Its foreground color is Secondary.
  • ColorStyle::tertiary(): style used to print tertiary text.
    • Its background color is View.
    • Its foreground color is Tertiary.
  • ColorStyle::title_primary(): style used to print titles.
    • Its background color is View.
    • Its foreground color is TitlePrimary.
  • ColorStyle::title_secondary(): style used to print secondary titles.
    • Its background color is View.
    • Its foreground color is TitleSecondary.
  • ColorStyle::highlight(): style used to print selected items.
    • Its background color is Highlight.
    • Its foreground color is View.
  • ColorStyle::highlight_inactive(): style used to print selected, but inactive items.
    • Its background color is HighlightInactive.
    • Its foreground color is View.

Using one of these pairs when styling your application helps give it a coherent look.


On top of a color style, some effects can be applied on cells: Reverse, for instance, swaps the foreground and background colors of a cell.


Finally, a style combine a ColorType and a set of Effects, to represent any way text should be printed on screen.


A theme defines the color palette an application will use, as well as various options to style views.

Themes are described in toml configuration files. All fields are optional.

Here are the possible entries:

# Every field in a theme file is optional.

# First come some various options
shadow = false  # Don't draw shadows around stacked views
borders = "simple"  # Alternatives are "none" and "outset"

# Here we define the color palette.
	background = "black"
	# If the value is an array, the first valid color will be used.
	# If the terminal doesn't support custom color,
	# non-base colors will be skipped.
	shadow     = ["#000000", "black"]
	view       = "#d3d7cf"

	# Array and simple values have the same effect.
	primary   = ["#111111"]
	secondary = "#EEEEEE"
	tertiary  = "#444444"

	# Hex values can use lower or uppercase.
	# (base color MUST be lowercase)
	title_primary   = "#ff5555"
	title_secondary = "#ffff55"

	# Lower precision values can use only 3 digits.
	highlight          = "#F00"
	highlight_inactive = "#5555FF"



Combines a front and back color.


Possible color style for a cell.


Color configuration for the application.


Combine a color and an effect.


Represents the style a Cursive application will use.



One of the 8 base colors.


Specifies how some borders should be drawn.


Represents a color used by the theme.


Either a color from the palette, or a direct color.


Text effect


Possible error returned when loading a theme.


Color entry in a palette.



Loads the default theme, and returns its representation.


Loads a theme from file and sets it as active.


Loads a theme string and sets it as active.