Module fts::walkdir [] [src]

A library for directory walking.


The simplest usage is the following.

let path = Path::new( "test_data" );
for p in WalkDir::new( WalkDirConf::new( path ) ) {
    println!( "{:?}", p.unwrap() );

WalkDirConf is a configuration builder of directory walking. For example, if you want to follow symblic links, you can use follow_symlink() like the following.

let path = Path::new( "test_data" );
for p in WalkDir::new( WalkDirConf::new( path ).follow_symlink() ) {
    println!( "{:?}", p.unwrap() );

If you don't want to use metadata of files, you can use no_metadata() for performance optimization like the following.

let path = Path::new( "test_data" );
for p in WalkDir::new( WalkDirConf::new( path ).no_metadata() ) {
    println!( "{:?}", p.unwrap() );

If you want to enumerate directories sorted by the creation time of file, you can use sort_by_ctime(). sort_ascending() means sorting in ascending order, and sort_descending() means descending order.

let path = Path::new( "test_data" );
for p in WalkDir::new( WalkDirConf::new( path ).sort_by_ctime().sort_ascending() ) {
    println!( "{:?}", p.unwrap() );



A directory entry like std::fs::DirEntry.


A file type of the directory entry like std::fs::FileType.


A iterator for enumerating directory entries.


A builder to create an iterator for directory walking.


A configuration builder of the settings for directory walking.