initSidebarItems({"struct":[["Difference","A stream of set difference over map multiple streams in lexicographic order."],["IndexedValue","A value indexed by a stream."],["Intersection","A stream of set intersection over multiple map streams in lexicographic order."],["Keys","A lexicographically ordered stream of keys from a map."],["Map","Map is a lexicographically ordered map from byte strings to integers."],["MapBuilder","A builder for creating a map."],["OpBuilder","A builder for collecting map streams on which to perform set operations on the keys of maps."],["Stream","A lexicographically ordered stream of key-value pairs from a map."],["StreamBuilder","A builder for constructing range queries on streams."],["SymmetricDifference","A stream of set symmetric difference over multiple map streams in lexicographic order."],["Union","A stream of set union over multiple map streams in lexicographic order."],["Values","A stream of values from a map, lexicographically ordered by each value's corresponding key."]]});