Crate fs_trie [] [src]

A trie that can be saved to and loaded from a file

This crate implements a Trie with char keys. The trie can be saved to and loaded from a file on the local filesystem. This allows the user to persist the trie between executions.

Basic example:

Be careful when using this code, it's not being tested!
let trie_file = "/path/to/trie-file";
let mut trie = fs_trie::Trie::default();
trie.insert("abc", String::from("contents1"));
trie.insert("abd", String::from("contents2"));
trie.insert("hello", String::from("world"));
    "Couldn't save trie to file",
let trie2 = fs_trie::Trie::load_from_file(trie_file).expect("Couldn't load trie from file");
assert_eq!(trie, trie2);



The Trie struct. The children are a std::collections::HashMap of other Tries.

Type Definitions


An error that can be produced during (de)serializing.