Crate frunk_core

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Frunk Core

This library forms the core of Frunk. It should ideally be minimalistic, containing only the fundamental building blocks of generic programming.


let h = hlist![1, false, 42f32];
let folded = h.foldr(hlist![|acc, i| i + acc,
    |acc, _| if acc > 42f32 { 9000 } else { 0 },
    |acc, f| f + acc],
assert_eq!(folded, 9001);

// Reverse
let h1 = hlist![true, "hi"];
assert_eq!(h1.into_reverse(), hlist!["hi", true]);

// foldr (foldl also available)
let h2 = hlist![1, false, 42f32];
let folded = h2.foldr(
            hlist![|acc, i| i + acc,
                   |acc, _| if acc > 42f32 { 9000 } else { 0 },
                   |acc, f| f + acc],
assert_eq!(folded, 9001);

// Mapping over an HList
let h3 = hlist![9000, "joe", 41f32];
let mapped = h3.to_ref().map(hlist![|&n| n + 1,
                              |&s| s,
                              |&f| f + 1f32]);
assert_eq!(mapped, hlist![9001, "joe", 42f32]);

// Plucking a value out by type
let h4 = hlist![1, "hello", true, 42f32];
let (t, remainder): (bool, _) = h4.pluck();
assert_eq!(remainder, hlist![1, "hello", 42f32]);

// Resculpting an HList
let h5 = hlist![9000, "joe", 41f32, true];
let (reshaped, remainder2): (HList![f32, i32, &str], _) = h5.sculpt();
assert_eq!(reshaped, hlist![41f32, 9000, "joe"]);
assert_eq!(remainder2, hlist![true]);


  1. Source on Github
  2. page


Module that holds Coproduct data structures, traits, and implementations
This module holds the machinery behind Generic.
Module that holds HList data structures, implementations, and typeclasses.
Types used for indexing into HLists and coproducts.
This module holds the machinery behind LabelledGeneric.
Holds models, traits, and logic for generic traversal of models
Traits that provide generic functionality for multiple types in frunk


Returns a type signature for a Coproduct of the provided types
Returns a type signature for an HList of the provided types
Used for creating a Field
Returns an HList based on the values passed in.
Macro for pattern-matching on HLists.
Returns a polymorphic function for use with mapping/folding heterogeneous types.