Crate frostflake [] [src]


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Customizable and thread-safe distributed id generator, like twitter's snowflake.

Basic usage for single generator

use frostflake::{Generator, GeneratorOptions};
use std::thread;
let generator = Generator::new(GeneratorOptions::default());
    // generator can be shared with threads by std::sync::Arc
    let generator = generator.clone();
    thread::spawn(move || {
        let mut generator = generator.lock().unwrap();
        let id = generator.generate();

Use multi generator by GeneratorPool

use frostflake::{GeneratorPool, GeneratorPoolOptions};
use std::thread;
// create 10 generators
let pool = GeneratorPool::new(10, GeneratorPoolOptions::default());
    // pool also can be shared with threads by std::sync::Arc
    let pool = pool.clone();
    thread::spawn(move || {
        let id = pool.generate();


frostflake is highly configurable.

use frostflake::{Generator, GeneratorOptions};
let opts = GeneratorOptions::default()
    .bits(42, 10, 12)           // 42bit timestamp, 10bit node, 12bit sequence
    .base_ts(1483228800000)     // base time 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z as milliseonds
    .node(3);                   // node number
let generator = Generator::new(opts);

Also, time function is can be set. If you want to use plain seconds unit instead of millisedond, you can do by this:

use frostflake::{Generator, GeneratorOptions};
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
fn my_time() -> u64 {
    let t = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap();
// use smaller time bits (because this is not milliseconds)
// use larger sequence bits
let opts = GeneratorOptions::default()
    .base_ts(0) // need this for avoid exceeding time value on smaller bit size
    .bits(36, 10, 18)
    .base_ts(1483228800) // base time should be second too
    .time_fn(my_time); // set my time function
let generator = Generator::new(opts);

Default configurations


Options Default value
bits 42=timestamp, 10=node, 12=sequence
base_ts 1483228800000 (2017-01-01T00:00:00Z as milliseonds)
node 0
time_fn return current milliseonds


Almost same as Generator, but GeneratorPool uses pool_id bit for distinguish each pools.

So default bit widths is:

Options Default value
bits 42=timestamp, 4=pool_id, 6=node, 12=sequence

All other options are same with Generator.


pub use pool::GeneratorPool;
pub use pool::GeneratorPoolOptions;



