Expand description

Prelude to be used alongside pallet macro, for ease of use.


pub use crate::dispatch::DispatchClass;
pub use crate::dispatch::DispatchResult;
pub use crate::dispatch::DispatchResultWithPostInfo;
pub use crate::dispatch::Parameter;
pub use crate::dispatch::Pays;
pub use crate::inherent::ProvideInherent;
pub use crate::storage;
pub use crate::storage::types::OptionQuery;
pub use crate::storage::types::ResultQuery;
pub use crate::storage::types::ValueQuery;
pub use frame_support::pallet_macros::*;


Evaluate $x:expr and if not true return Err($y:expr).


Hash storage keys with blake2 128
Hash storage keys with concat(blake2_128(key), key)
Hash storage keys with blake2 256
A bounded vector.
Const getter for a basic type.
A wrapper around a StorageMap and a StorageValue<Value=u32> to keep track of how many items are in a map, without needing to iterate all the values.
Implement Get by returning Default for any type that implements Default.
Store the key directly.
Inherent data to include in a block.
A type used exclusively by storage maps as their key type.
Zero-sized type used to mark things that “act like” they own a T.
A type that allow to store values for (key1, key2) couple. Similar to StorageMap but allow to iterate and remove value associated to first key.
A type that allow to store value for given key. Allowing to insert/remove/iterate on values.
A type that allow to store values for an arbitrary number of keys in the form of (Key<Hasher1, key1>, Key<Hasher2, key2>, ..., Key<HasherN, keyN>).
A type that allow to store a value.
The storage version of a pallet.
Hash storage keys with concat(twox64(key), key)
Hash storage keys with twox 128
Hash storage keys with twox 256
Information concerning a valid transaction.


Reason why a dispatch call failed.
An invalid transaction validity.
The source of the transaction.
Errors that can occur while checking the validity of a transaction.
An unknown transaction validity.


The number of bytes of the module-specific error field defined in ModuleError. In FRAME, this is the maximum encoded size of a pallet error type.


Trait that allows zero-copy read of value-references from slices in LE format.
Trait that allows zero-copy write of value-references to slices in LE format.
Some sort of check on the origin is performed by this object.
A trait to define the build function of a genesis config, T and I are placeholder for pallet trait and pallet instance.
A trait for querying a single value from a type.
Provides information about the storage version of a pallet.
The pallet hooks trait. Implementing this lets you express some logic to execute.
Trait to be used when types are exactly same.
Items implementing MaxEncodedLen have a statically known maximum encoded size.
A type that implements Serialize, DeserializeOwned and Debug when in std environment.
A type that can be used in runtime structures.
Provides information about the pallet itself and its setup in the runtime.
A trait to give information about storage.
Implementors return their meta type information.
A trait for querying a single value from a type defined in the trait.
Provide validation for unsigned extrinsics.

Type Definitions

An identifier for an inherent.
Minimum number of blocks a transaction will remain valid for. TransactionLongevity::max_value() means “forever”.
Priority for a transaction. Additive. Higher is better.
Tag for a transaction. No two transactions with the same tag should be placed on-chain.
Information on a transaction’s validity and, if valid, on how it relates to other transactions.

Derive Macros

Derive Clone but do not bound any generic. Docs are at frame_support::CloneNoBound.
Derive Debug but do not bound any generics. Docs are at frame_support::DebugNoBound.
Derive parity_scale_codec::Decode and for struct and enum.
Derive parity_scale_codec::Encode and parity_scale_codec::EncodeLike for struct and enum.
derive Eq but do no bound any generic. Docs are at frame_support::EqNoBound.
Derive parity_scale_codec::MaxEncodedLen for struct and enum.
Derive PartialEq but do not bound any generic. Docs are at frame_support::PartialEqNoBound.
Derive Debug, if std is enabled it uses frame_support::DebugNoBound, if std is not enabled it just returns "<stripped>". This behaviour is useful to prevent bloating the runtime WASM blob from unneeded code.