[][src]Macro frame_support::decl_storage

decl_storage!() { /* proc-macro */ }

Declares strongly-typed wrappers around codec-compatible types in storage.


decl_storage! {
	trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as Example {
		Foo get(fn foo) config(): u32=12;
		Bar: map hasher(blake2_256) u32 => u32;
		pub Zed build(|config| vec![(0, 0)]): linked_map hasher(blake2_256) u32 => u32;

Declaration is set with the header (pub) trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as Example, with Store a (pub) trait generated associating each storage item to the Module and as Example setting the prefix used for storage items of this module. Example must be unique: another module with the same name and the same inner storage item name will conflict. Example is called the module prefix.

note: For instantiable modules the module prefix is prepended with instance prefix. Instance prefix is "" for default instance and "Instance$n" for instance number $n. Thus, instance 3 of module Example has a module prefix of Instance3Example

Basic storage consists of a name and a type; supported types are:

  • Value: Foo: type: Implements the StorageValue trait using the StorageValue generator.

    The generator is implemented with:

    • module_prefix: module_prefix
    • storage_prefix: storage_name

    Thus the storage value is finally stored at:

    Twox128(module_prefix) ++ Twox128(storage_prefix)
  • Map: Foo: map hasher($hash) type => type: Implements the StorageMap trait using the StorageMap generator. And StoragePrefixedMap.

    $hash representing a choice of hashing algorithms available in the Hashable trait.

    blake2_256 and blake2_128_concat are strong hasher. One should use another hasher with care, see generator documentation.

    The generator is implemented with:

    • module_prefix: $module_prefix
    • storage_prefix: storage_name
    • Hasher: $hash

    Thus the keys are stored at:

    twox128(module_prefix) ++ twox128(storage_prefix) ++ hasher(encode(key))
  • Linked map: Foo: linked_map hasher($hash) type => type: Implements the StorageLinkedMap trait using the StorageLinkedMap generator. And StoragePrefixedMap.

    $hash representing a choice of hashing algorithms available in the Hashable trait.

    blake2_256 and blake2_128_concat are strong hasher. One should use another hasher with care, see generator documentation.

    All key formatting logic can be accessed in a type-agnostic format via the KeyFormat trait, which is implemented for the storage linked map type as well.

    The generator key format is implemented with:

    • module_prefix: $module_prefix
    • storage_prefix: storage_name
    • head_prefix: "HeadOf" ++ storage_name
    • Hasher: $hash

    Thus the keys are stored at:

    Twox128(module_prefix) ++ Twox128(storage_prefix) ++ Hasher(encode(key))

    and head is stored at:

    Twox128(module_prefix) ++ Twox128(head_prefix)
  • Double map: Foo: double_map hasher($hash1) u32, hasher($hash2) u32 => u32: Implements the StorageDoubleMap trait using the StorageDoubleMap generator. And StoragePrefixedMap.

    $hash1 and $hash2 representing choices of hashing algorithms available in the Hashable trait. They must be chosen with care, see generator documentation.

    If the first key is untrusted, a cryptographic hasher such as blake2_256 or blake2_128_concat must be used. Otherwise, other values of all storage items can be compromised.

    If the second key is untrusted, a cryptographic hasher such as blake2_256 or blake2_128_concat must be used. Otherwise, other items in storage with the same first key can be compromised.

    The generator is implemented with:

    • module_prefix: $module_prefix
    • storage_prefix: storage_name
    • Hasher1: $hash1
    • Hasher2: $hash2

    Thus keys are stored at:

    Twox128(module_prefix) ++ Twox128(storage_prefix) ++ Hasher1(encode(key1)) ++ Hasher2(encode(key2))

Supported hashers (ordered from least to best security):

  • twox_64_concat - TwoX with 64bit + key concatenated.
  • twox_128 - TwoX with 128bit.
  • twox_256 - TwoX with with 256bit.
  • blake2_128_concat - Blake2 with 128bit + key concatenated.
  • blake2_128 - Blake2 with 128bit.
  • blake2_256 - Blake2 with 256bit.

Basic storage can be extended as such:

#vis #name get(fn #getter) config(#field_name) build(#closure): #type = #default;

  • #vis: Set the visibility of the structure. pub or nothing.
  • #name: Name of the storage item, used as a prefix in storage.
  • [optional] get(fn #getter): Implements the function #getter to Module.
  • [optional] config(#field_name): field_name is optional if get is set. Will include the item in GenesisConfig.
  • [optional] build(#closure): Closure called with storage overlays.
  • #type: Storage type.
  • [optional] #default: Value returned when none.

Storage items are accessible in multiple ways:

  • The structure: Foo or Foo::<T> depending if the value type is generic or not.
  • The Store trait structure: <Module<T> as Store>::Foo
  • The getter on the module that calls get on the structure: Module::<T>::foo()


An optional GenesisConfig struct for storage initialization can be defined, either when at least one storage field requires default initialization (both get and config or build), or specifically as in:

decl_storage! {
	trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as Example {

		// Your storage items
	add_extra_genesis {
		config(genesis_field): GenesisFieldType;
		config(genesis_field2): GenesisFieldType;
		build(|_: &Self| {
			// Modification of storage

This struct can be exposed as ExampleConfig by the construct_runtime! macro like follows:

	pub enum Runtime with ... {
        Example: example::{Module, Storage, ..., Config<T>},

Module with Instances

The decl_storage! macro supports building modules with instances with the following syntax (DefaultInstance type is optional):

trait Store for Module<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance=DefaultInstance> as Example {}

Accessing the structure no requires the instance as generic parameter:

  • Foo::<I> if the value type is not generic
  • Foo::<T, I> if the value type is generic

Where clause

This macro supports a where clause which will be replicated to all generated types.

trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as Example where T::AccountId: std::fmt::Display {}


Instancing and generic GenesisConfig

If your module supports instancing and you see an error like parameter I is never used for your decl_storage!, you are hitting a limitation of the current implementation. You probably try to use an associated type of a non-instantiable trait. To solve this, add the following to your macro call:

add_extra_genesis {
	config(phantom): std::marker::PhantomData<I>,

This adds a field to your `GenesisConfig` with the name `phantom` that you can initialize with