[][src]Function fountain::parse_document

pub fn parse_document<'a, E: ParseError<&'a str>>(
    i: &'a str
) -> IResult<&'a str, Document, E>

Parses a string slice into a Fountain document.

use fountain::data::{Document, Line};
use nom::error::VerboseError;

const SCREENPLAY: &str = "\

The entire crew is seated. Hungrily swallowing huge portions of artificial food. The cat eats from a dish on the table.

First thing I'm going to do when we get back is eat some decent food.

// Parse the Fountain-structured plaintext into a fountain::data::Document
let parse_result = fountain::parse_document::<VerboseError<&str>>(&SCREENPLAY);
let expected_lines = vec![
    Line::Scene("INT. MESS".to_owned()),
    Line::Action("The entire crew is seated. Hungrily swallowing huge portions of artificial food. The cat eats from a dish on the table.".to_owned()),
    Line::Dialogue("First thing I'm going to do when we get back is eat some decent food.".to_owned()),
let expected = Document { lines: expected_lines, ..Default::default() };
assert_eq!(Ok(("", expected)), parse_result);